Literal question
[] 1 Private household in a conventional house
[] 2 Private household in a flat or bedsitter
[] 3 Travelling people
[] 4 Private household in caravan, mobile home, etc
[] 5 Non-private household (specify)____
Interviewer instructions
2.2 Definitions of Households and Business Units
Dwelling Unit
A dwelling unit is living accommodation which is occupied or, if vacant, is intended for occupation, by one or more households. The following are some examples:
1. Family home.
2. Family home on a farm.
3. A separate flat or bed-sit.
4. Caravan.
Private household
A private household comprises either one person living alone or a group of
people (not necessarily related) living at the same address with common
housekeeping arrangements - that is, sharing at least one meal a day or
sharing a living room or sitting room.
Note : All persons staying with the household on Census night are included
as members of the household.
Any person absent from the household on Census night is excluded.
1. A person living alone.
2. A single parent living together with his/her children.
3. A husband and wife (or couple) living together and having no children.
4. A husband and wife (or couple) living together with their children.
5. A husband and wife (or couple) living together (with or without
children), and with other relatives, (e.g. grandparents), or other persons,
(e.g. visitors, servants, boarders), staying on Census night.
6. A group of related or unrelated persons sharing a house or flat.
7. A resident caretaker (and family) of a house or office.
8. One or more persons or a family living in a caravan or encampment.
Non-private household
The following are examples of non-private households (i.e. establishments or institutions).
Hotels, Country Clubs, Guest Houses, Bed and Breakfasts Boarding Houses (see notes below), or Hostel.
Seminary, Monastery or Convent.
Hospital, Nurses' Home, Nursing Home, County Home, Orphanage Boarding School, Garda Stations, Military Barracks.
Notes: Where the entire establishment or institution makes up one single non-private household, Forms A for that establishment or institution should be filled in by the person in charge (e. g. manager or administrator).
For Boarding Houses (i.e. 'digs') with less than five boarders, the Boarding House should be treated as a private household.
A proprietor, manager, head or any member of staff who resides on the premises with his/her family must be regarded as a distinct private household and must receive a separate Form A.
Staff of an institution (e.g. hospital) who are working a night-shift or on night duty on Census night, and who return to their own homes the following morning should be enumerated at home.
Business Unit
A business unit is an undertaking in which some or all of the activities listed below are taking place:
Commercial activity (e.g. auctioneers, insurance firms, banks).
Service activity (e.g. hotels, restaurants, cafes, Bed and Breakfasts, transport companies,
storage companies, travel agents, taxi firms, shops, supermarkets, garages,
building/DIY stores, hospitals, garda stations and military barracks).
Manufacturing or mining activity (e.g. factories, mines, quarries in current
production) .
Non family farms (e.g. large farms operated as a limited company).