Literal question
10. Central heating
[] 1 Urban heating
[] 2 Public heating for a group of buildings.
Building with three or more dwellings
[] 3 With public heating for the building itself (serving the whole building or only the shared spaces, or several dwellings).
[] 4 Without public heating installation (some dwellings able to possess individual installations)
Building with 1 or 2 dwellings
[] 5 With installation of central heating.
[] 6 Without installation of central heating.
If you have checked one of the boxes numbered 2, 3 or 5, indicate the fuel used:
[] 1 Coal.
[] 2 Oil.
[] 3 Gas.
[] 4 Wood
[] 5 Others. Specify: ___
Interviewer instructions
3.3.7. Question 10: Central heating
Check one box only for the main question. Rubric 2 corresponds especially in the case of some large modern residential buildings where the various buildings are heated by the same furnace. It also is the case for some workers' development housing centers and villas for engineers heated by the factory.
Do not forget to specify the fuel used if you have checked boxes 2, 3 or 5 of the main question.