Dabat Health and Demographic Surveillance System Core Dataset 2008-2011
Name | Country code |
Ethiopia | ETH |
Demographic Surveillance
Round 1 to 7 of our demographic surveillance
Dabat Health and Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS), also called the Dabat Research Center (DRC), was established at Dabat District in 1996 after conducting initial census. Later re-census was done in 2008. The surveillance is run by the College of Medicine and Health Sciences which is one of the colleges/faculties of the University of Gondar. Dabat district is one of the 21 districts in North Gondar Administrative Zone of Amhara Region in Ethiopia. According to the report published by the Central Statistical Agency in 2007, the district has an estimated total population of 145,458 living in 27 rural and 3 urban Kebeles (sub-districts). The altitude of the district ranges from about 1000 meters to over 2500 meters above sea level. The district population largely depends on subsistence agriculture economy. There are two health centers, three health stations, and twenty-nine health posts providing health services for the community. An all-weather road runs from Gondar town through Dabat to some towns of Tigray. Dabat town, the capital of Dabat District, is located approximately 821 km northwest of Addis Ababa and 75 kms north of Gondar town. The surveillance is funded by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) through Ethiopian Public Health Association.
Dabat HDSS/ Dabat Research Centre was established to generate longitudinal data on health and population at district level and provide a study base and sampling frame for community-based research.
Dabat district was initially selected purposively as a surveillance site for its unique three climatic conditions, namely Dega (high land and cold), Woina dega (mid land and temperate) and Kolla (low land and hot). The choice was made with the assumption that there would be differences in morbidity and mortality in the different climatic areas. Accordingly, seven kebeles from Dega, one kebele from Woina dega, and two kebeles from Kolla were selected randomly after stratification of the kebeles by climatic zone.
After the re-census, update has been done regularly every 6 months. During each round, data has been collected using a semi-structured questionnaire which included information related to birth and other pregnancy outcomes, death, migration, and marital status change. Interviews are administered to the heads of the household but in the absence of the head, the next elder family member is interviewed. This is only done after repeated trial of getting the head. While the regular update round is every six months, deaths that occur in the surveillance site are reported immediately to the data collectors by the local guides. After the mourning period, usually 45 days, the trained data collectors administer Verbal Autopsy (VA) questionnaire to the close relative of the deceased to get information on the possible cause(s) of death. Three VA questionnaires are prepared for the age groups 0-28 days, 29 days to 15 years, and greater than 15 years. To assign cause(s) of death, the VA data collected by data collectors is given to physicians who have got training on VA. These physicians independently assign causes of death using the standard International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10).
Event history data
Version 01: First Version for internal use
Version 03: Edited dataset for public distribution
Developed during iShare 2 workshop
The scope covers individuals attributes such as individuals identifier, sex, date of birth, mother id, number of birth, start and end event types (codes), and start and end dates.
Topic | Vocabulary | URI |
Demography [N01.224] | MeSH | |
Dabat Health and Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS) included seven rural kebeles (sub districts) and three urban kebeles in Dabat district which is located 75 km North of Gondar town in Ethiopia. There are highlands, midlands and few low land households in the HDSS site.
All individuals residing in Dabat HDSS site.
Name | Affiliation |
Prof. Yigzaw Kebede | Dabat HDSS, University of Gondar |
Dr. Gashaw Andargie | Dabat HDSS, University of Gondar |
Prof. Mengesha Admassu | Dabat HDSS, University of Gondar |
Dr. Sisay Yifru | Dabat HDSS, University of Gondar |
Dr. Shitaye Alemu | Dabat HDSS, University of Gondar |
Prof. Afework Kassu | Dabat HDSS, University of Gondar |
Mr. Tadesse Awoke | Dabat HDSS, University of Gondar |
Mr. Tesfahun Melese | Dabat HDSS, University of Gondar |
Mr. Temesgen Azimeraw | Dabat HDSS, University of Gondar |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | US government | Training |
Ethiopian Public Health Association | Professional association | Training |
Name | Role |
CDC, Atlanta | Funding |
Ethiopian Public Health Association | Manage the funding on behalf of CDC |
University of Gondar | Contribution in kind and monitoring and evaluation |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Mr. Tesfahun Melese | Dabat HDSS, University of Gondar | Data Management |
Mr. Temesgen Azmeraw | Dabat HDSS, University of Gondar | Data Management |
100% response rate
All questionnaires are prepared in Amharic language. The surveillance questionnaires are related to birth and other pregnancy outcomes, death, and migration.
Start | End | Cycle |
2008-01-10 | 2008-07-07 | 0 |
2008-10-12 | 2009-04-08 | 1 |
2009-04-09 | 2009-10-10 | 2 |
2009-10-11 | 2010-04-08 | 3 |
2010-04-09 | 2010-10-10 | 4 |
2010-10-11 | 2011-04-08 | 5 |
2011-04-09 | 2011-10-11 | 6 |
2011-10-12 | 2012-04-08 | 7 |
Two rounds per year
Start date | End date | Cycle |
2008-02-10 | 2011-12-31 | 7 |
Name | Affiliation |
Dabat HDSS | University of Gondar |
The center has four field supervisors. In addition, research team members supervise data collection process every month during the cycle data collection period. Supervisors check about five percent of the filled questionnaire for consistencies.
During establishment of the surveillance ethical clearance was secured from the University of Gondar institutional review board and CDC. Then informed consent was obtained from each household head included in the surveillance.
Data collectors were trained during census and re-census. Refresher trainings were also given at least once a year. Additionally, any newly recruited data collectors and supervisors received training before they start their actual work. Physicians were also trained on verbal autopsy. After 2008 three trainings were given for physicians untill 2011. Besides, supervisions were done about three times during each update cycles.
All interviews are conducted in Amharic language, a national language also spoken by people in the surveillance area. The interview takes averagely 15 minutes for the surveillance while around 30 minutes for the verbal autopsy questionnaires.
There are 34 local guides, 17 data collectors, and 4 field supervisors.
The filled questionnaire is checked by filled supervisors, document clerk, data entry clerks for missings and other violations. In addition, DRC Software, a software developed from Microsoft Access and Visual Basic, checks violations against set of rules for data quality during data entry.
Not applicable
<pre>CentreId MetricTable QMetric Illegal Lega Total Metric RunDate
ET051 MicroDataCleaned Starts 0 59082 0 0.0 2014-06-27 19:33
ET051 MicroDataCleaned Transitions 0 129938 129938 0.0 2014-06-27 19:33
ET051 MicroDataCleaned Ends 0 59082 0 0.0 2014-06-27 19:33</pre>
INDEPTH Data Repository
INDEPTH Data Repository
Cost: None
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Is signing of a confidentiality declaration required? | Confidentiality declaration text |
yes | This data is anonymised and no confidentiality agreement in addition to the general data use agreement is required. |
This data is made available for licensed access under the following conditions
Dabat HDSS Core Dataset 2008-2011. June 2014. Provided by the INDEPTH Network Data Repository. doi:10.7796/INDEPTH.ET051.CMD2011.V3
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, INDEPTH, and the relevant funding agencies bear no responsibility for the data's use or interpretation or inferences based upon it.
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
iSHARE2 Helpdesk | INDEPTH Network | | |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Dabat HDSS | University of Gondar | Documentation of the study |
iSHARE2 Technical Team | INDEPTH Network | Technical Support |
INDEPTH Network | INDEPTH Network | Agency |
Edited version, the original DDI (DDI.INDEPTH.ET051.CMD2011.V4) was downloaded from INDEPTH Data Repository ( on October 2014. The following DDI elements have been modified: DDI Document ID, survey ID and title of the study.
DDI.INDEPTH.ET051.CMD_2011.V1 2014-03-04 First Document
DDI.INDEPTH.ET051.CMD-2011.V2 2014-3-6 document updated to template version 5 and the center code also updated
DDI.INDEPTH.ET051.CMD-2011.V3 2014-3-7 diocument updated MD5Hash
DDI.INDEPTH.ET051.CMD2011.V4 2014-3-27 document updated to template version 6 and dataset update