Literal question
For all individuals 6 years of age and older [Applies to questions 9-11]
11. What is the highest grade, class or year of schooling completed in primary, secondary, post-secondary, or a literacy center? Write the number of the highest grade, course or year completed on the corresponding line.
[] 00 None
____ 1. Primary
____ 2. Secondary
____ 3. Post-secondary
____ 4. Literacy center
[] 99 Unknown
Interviewer instructions
Question No. 12
[The following directions refer to a graphic representing question 12, "what is the last grade or highest year that you passed in primary, secondary, or post-secondary instruction?", in this section of the enumeration form.]
On the dotted line and for the appropriate level, record the grade or year that the person being enumerated reports to be the highest of those passed. For example, if the person reports 3rd [year] of primary, record: "1. Primary . . .3." [This is an example of what enumeration form should look like after being filled in.] Remember that the grade or year being researched refers only to that which was passed as part of one of the three levels of regular instruction that are imparted in schools, high schools, and public or private universities (primary, secondary, university). Therefore cooking, sewing, and telegraphy courses and short courses in stenography and typing are not considered courses of regular instruction.
[Note that this question corresponds to question 11 on the enumeration form and that both the question and response choices on the enumeration form add "literacy center" to the list of educational establishments.]