Value |
Category |
270 |
Mathematicians |
410 |
Physics-technology technician |
450 |
Meteorology engineering |
470 |
Physicists |
611 |
Chemistry technician |
612 |
Chemical fibers technician |
613 |
Technician for chemical photography |
614 |
Plastic processing technician |
621 |
Laboratory technician (chemicals, photo) |
622 |
Food chemistry laboratory |
630 |
Chemistry foreman |
651 |
Plastic processing engineer |
652 |
Organic chemistry engineer |
653 |
Medical laboratory engineer |
654 |
Laboratory manager |
671 |
Synthesis process chemist |
672 |
Process chemical engineer |
681 |
Chemical auxiliary worker |
682 |
Fibers worker |
683 |
Chemistry laboratory assistant |
684 |
Photo chemical worker |
685 |
Plastic, flexible plastic processor |
811 |
Biology laboratory worker, preparation |
812 |
Zoo keeper |
830 |
Zoo manager |
851 |
Biotechnology worker |
852 |
Biomedical engineer |
870 |
Biologist (HS) |
1011 |
Geology skilled worker |
1012 |
Geology skilled worker - drilling |
1020 |
Mapping, surveying skilled worker |
1030 |
Geoplastic foreman |
1050 |
Geological engineer (FS) |
1060 |
Surveying manager |
1071 |
Geologist |
1072 |
Surveyor, geographer |
1270 |
Psychologist |
1411 |
Child care worker |
1412 |
Nursery worker |
1413 |
Medical worker, technical service |
1414 |
Healthcare worker |
1415 |
Internal consultation |
1416 |
Dental assistant |
1417 |
Health practitioner |
1418 |
Health worker |
1421 |
Pharmacy worker |
1422 |
Fine eye optician |
1423 |
Dental technician |
1424 |
Dietary cooks |
1425 |
Disinfector |
1426 |
Prosthetist |
1427 |
Orthopedic shoemaker |
1428 |
Bandage/splint setter |
1429 |
Medical worker, technical section |
1431 |
Dental technician - master |
1432 |
Orthopedic shoemaker - craft master |
1433 |
Master prosthetist - bandage craft |
1434 |
Optician |
1451 |
Medical technician assistant |
1452 |
Hygiene specialist |
1453 |
Optician (FS) |
1454 |
Dietitian |
1455 |
Dental technician (FS) |
1456 |
Psysiotherapist |
1457 |
Taxidermist |
1461 |
Nurse / carer |
1462 |
Children's nurse |
1463 |
Surgery nurse |
1464 |
Dental nurse |
1465 |
Midwife |
1466 |
Social worker |
1471 |
Doctor |
1472 |
Dentist |
1480 |
Medical services assistant |
1550 |
Pharmaceutical engineer (FS) |
1570 |
Pharmacist (HS) |
1650 |
Veterinary surgeon (FS) |
1670 |
Veterinarian |
1680 |
Veterinary assistant |
1810 |
Mining worker |
1830 |
Mining engineer |
1850 |
Mining engineer (FS) |
1870 |
Mining engineer (HS) |
1881 |
Mining auxiliary worker / production |
1882 |
Mining auxiliary worker / processing |
1883 |
Other mining auxiliary worker |
2010 |
Power machinist |
2020 |
Power plant worker |
2030 |
Power plant manager |
2050 |
Energy engineer (FS) |
2070 |
Energy engineer (HS) |
2081 |
Heater (power, gas) |
2082 |
Other energy relief worker |
2211 |
Steel mill worker |
2212 |
Foundry worker |
2221 |
Mill worker |
2222 |
Foundry, hardener worker |
2223 |
Model builder |
2224 |
Material tester (metal) |
2230 |
Metallurgy manager |
2250 |
Engineer for metallurgy and resources (FS) |
2270 |
Material engineer (HS) |
2281 |
Metallurgy helper |
2282 |
Melt and foundry helper |
2283 |
Rolling mill helper |
2284 |
Forge helper |
2285 |
Other metallurgy helper |
2411 |
Machine and plant fitter |
2412 |
Piping elements technician |
2413 |
Machine builder |
2414 |
Steel ship builder |
2415 |
Electrical machinery builder |
2416 |
Engineer designer |
2421 |
Mechanic |
2422 |
Fitter |
2423 |
Locksmith |
2424 |
Automotive locksmith |
2425 |
Aircraft mechanic |
2426 |
Agricultural machine fitter |
2427 |
Plumbing installer |
2428 |
Insulation worker |
2431 |
Machine building manager |
2432 |
Locksmith, master plumber |
2433 |
Mechanic master craftsman |
2441 |
Vehicle repair manager |
2442 |
Machine maintenance manager |
2450 |
Mechanical engineer (FS) |
2470 |
Mechanical engineer (HS) |
2481 |
Installation helper (mechanical engineering) |
2482 |
Mechanics helper |
2483 |
Plumbing, installation helper |
2611 |
Resources production worker |
2612 |
Welder |
2613 |
Plant technology worker |
2614 |
Machine cutting worker |
2615 |
Lathe operator |
2616 |
Mill worker |
2617 |
Sander, polisher |
2620 |
Surface finisher |
2630 |
Manufacturing and processing manager |
2650 |
Process engineer (FS) |
2670 |
Process engineer (HS) |
2681 |
Metal cutting aid worker |
2682 |
Metal connector helper (soldering, riveting, pressing) |
2683 |
Metal deformation helper |
2684 |
Metal coating worker |
2685 |
Other metal worker |
2811 |
Precision engineering engravers |
2812 |
Watch manufacturer |
2813 |
Hunting weapons mechanic |
2821 |
Precision optics |
2822 |
Eyeware optician, frames maker |
2830 |
Precision engineering manager |
2850 |
Precision mechanics engineer (FS) |
2870 |
Precision mechanics engineer (HS) |
2881 |
Fine mechanics auxiliary worker |
2882 |
Optical assistant |
2883 |
Engravers' agent |
3011 |
Electrical, radio mechanic |
3012 |
Electronics worker |
3013 |
Electronics designer |
3021 |
Electrician |
3022 |
Lead mechanic |
3030 |
Electrical engineering manager |
3050 |
Electrical engineer (FS) |
3070 |
Electrical engineer for electronics (HS) |
3081 |
Electrical installation helper |
3082 |
Cable manufacturer |
3083 |
Other electric and electronic aid worker |
3211 |
BMSR (Berlin Magnetically Shielded Room) technical worker |
3212 |
Data processing worker |
3230 |
BMSR (Berlin Magnetically Shielded Room) technical manager |
3250 |
Automation engineer (FS) |
3270 |
Automation engineer (HS) |
3411 |
Woodwork and wood products worker |
3412 |
Carpenter, furniture worker (excluding cabinetmakers) |
3420 |
Other wood worker |
3430 |
Woodwork and wood products manager |
3450 |
Wood processing engineer (FS) |
3470 |
Wood processing engineer (HS) |
3481 |
Wood-based materials worker |
3482 |
Wood technology worker |
3483 |
Carpenter and frame carpenter helper |
3484 |
Wheeler, cooper, boat-building worker |
3485 |
Other wood products worker |
3486 |
Basket, brush, brush-maker helper |
3611 |
Wood pulp worker |
3612 |
Paper processing worker |
3613 |
Paper production worker |
3630 |
Pulp / paper manager |
3650 |
Paper processing engineer (FS) |
3670 |
Paper processing engineer (HS) |
3681 |
Paper production helper |
3682 |
Paper, paper processing helper |
3811 |
Printer |
3812 |
Setter |
3820 |
Book binder |
3830 |
Business polygraphy manager |
3850 |
Polygraphy engineer (FS) |
3870 |
Processor/ polygraph engineer |
3881 |
Printer's helper |
3882 |
Book binder's helper |
3883 |
Copy helper |
4011 |
Textile technology worker |
4012 |
Textile fibre worker |
4013 |
Textile worker |
4014 |
Textile manufacturer |
4015 |
Textile artist |
4021 |
Clothing worker |
4022 |
Padding technology worker |
4030 |
Textile technology manager |
4041 |
Light clothing technician |
4042 |
Textile processing master craftsman |
4043 |
Padding technology manager |
4050 |
Textile engineer (FS) |
4060 |
Clothing manager (FS) |
4070 |
Processors engineer (textiles) (HS) |
4081 |
Spinner and weaver helper |
4082 |
Textile manufacturer helper |
4083 |
Clothing assistant |
4084 |
Finery and jewelry maker's helper |
4085 |
Other textile helper |
4211 |
Tanner |
4212 |
Furrier |
4221 |
Leather garments, leather goods and furs worker |
4222 |
Shoe worker |
4230 |
Leather, fur manager |
4250 |
Leather goods processing engineer (FS) |
4270 |
Leather goods processing engineer (HS) |
4281 |
Leather auxiliary worker |
4282 |
Synthetic leather manufacturer |
4283 |
Leather and synthetic leather worker |
4411 |
Glass company worker |
4412 |
Glass processor |
4421 |
Ceramic molder, painter |
4422 |
Sintering worker |
4423 |
Fireproof worker |
4430 |
Glass technology manager |
4440 |
Ceramic manager |
4450 |
Glass and ceramic engineer |
4470 |
Glass engineer (FS) |
4481 |
Glass maker agent |
4482 |
Ceramics helper |
4611 |
Fish processor |
4612 |
Baker, confectioner |
4613 |
Food and beverage manufacturer |
4614 |
Dairy worker |
4615 |
Butcher, meat product manufacturer |
4616 |
Tobacco worker |
4617 |
Deep sea fishing |
4620 |
Spirits producer |
4631 |
Meat processing manager |
4632 |
Pastry manager |
4633 |
Other food and beverage manufacturer manager |
4640 |
Beverages manager |
4650 |
Food scientist (FS) |
4670 |
Food scientist (HS) |
4681 |
Meat processing helper |
4682 |
Fish processing helper |
4683 |
Oleochemical and milk worker |
4684 |
Cereals, potators, fruit and vegetable processing worker |
4685 |
Sugar and confectionary helper |
4686 |
Beverage adjustment [worker] |
4687 |
Tobacco manufacturer |
4688 |
Other food and beverage manufacturer assistant |
4811 |
Specialized shop assistant |
4812 |
Waiter, server |
4813 |
Chefs |
4821 |
Chimneysweep, building, vehicle cleaner |
4822 |
Beauty salon, cosmetics [worker] |
4823 |
Custom tailor |
4824 |
Shoe maker |
4825 |
Textile cleaning worker |
4826 |
Other service industry worker |
4830 |
Restaurant manager |
4841 |
Mass production tailoring manager |
4842 |
Master barber |
4843 |
Shoe and leather goods repair manager |
4844 |
Watchmaker |
4845 |
Other service industry manager |
4850 |
Textile engineer (textile only FS) |
4881 |
Product helper |
4882 |
Restaurant, kitchen helper |
4883 |
Service assistant |
5011 |
Plant production mechanization worker |
5012 |
Gardener, winemaker |
5013 |
Animal production mechanization worker |
5014 |
Improvement worker |
5015 |
Agricultural chemist |
5021 |
Forestry worker |
5022 |
Inland fisher |
5031 |
Plant production manager |
5032 |
Animal production manager |
5033 |
Other land economics manager |
5041 |
Forestry manager |
5042 |
Inland fishery manager |
5051 |
Plant production agricultural engineer (FS) |
5052 |
Animal production agricultural engineer (FS) |
5061 |
Forestry engineer (FS) |
5062 |
Fishing engineer (FS) |
5071 |
Agricultural engineer (HS) |
5072 |
Forestry engineer (HS) |
5073 |
Fishing engineer (HS) |
5081 |
Crops improvement worker |
5082 |
Horticulture agent |
5083 |
Animal farm helper |
5084 |
Forestry assistant |
5210 |
Sewage worker |
5230 |
Water resource management manager |
5250 |
Water resource management engineer (FS) |
5270 |
Water resource management engineer (HS) |
5280 |
Water industry worker |
5411 |
Binding worker |
5412 |
Materials testing [worker] |
5413 |
Ceramic machinery worker |
5430 |
Building materials production manager |
5450 |
Materials engineer (FS) |
5470 |
Materials engineer (HS) |
5480 |
Construction materials worker |
5611 |
Joiner |
5612 |
Draughtsman |
5613 |
Industrial furnace worker |
5614 |
Carpenter |
5615 |
Mason |
5616 |
Roofer |
5617 |
Painter |
5618 |
Removal worker |
5619 |
Glazier |
5621 |
Low worker |
5622 |
Road worker |
5623 |
Railroad worker |
5624 |
Water engineering worker |
5625 |
Construction machinist |
5626 |
Stonemason, acid protection worker |
5627 |
Construction worker |
5628 |
Cast worker |
5629 |
Steel worker |
5630 |
Light removal [worker] |
5640 |
Civil, traffic engineering manager |
5651 |
Civil engineer (building) (FS) |
5652 |
Armament technical engineer (FS) |
5653 |
Civil engineer (HS) |
5654 |
Traffic construction engineer (FS) |
5655 |
Water marketing manager (FS) |
5671 |
Civil engineer /architect (FS) |
5672 |
Civil engineer / road construction (HS) |
5673 |
Civil engineer / railways (HS) |
5674 |
Civil engineer / water management (HS) |
5675 |
Other building engineer (HS) |
5681 |
Labourer |
5682 |
Civil engineering assistant |
5683 |
Track construction helper |
5811 |
Professional driver |
5812 |
Railway transport technology worker |
5813 |
Trade sailors and inland navigators |
5814 |
Transport, vehicle mechanics worker |
5815 |
Mechanic |
5821 |
Stocks transport worker |
5822 |
Transportation and lifting manager |
5830 |
Ship tour manager |
5840 |
Transport and warehouse manager |
5850 |
Traffic engineer (FS) |
5870 |
Transport engineer (HS) |
5881 |
Vehicle driver guide |
5882 |
Eligibility and lifting central operator |
5883 |
Other traffic assistant |
5884 |
Stock and delivery helper |
6011 |
Technology and telecommunications mechanics worker |
6012 |
Telephone, telex services worker |
6020 |
Post operations worker |
6030 |
Technology manager |
6050 |
Telecommunications manager (FS) |
6070 |
Telecommunications manager (HS) |
6081 |
Telecommunications helper |
6082 |
Telecommunications labourer |
6083 |
Postal service assistant |
6210 |
Marketing, financial consultant |
6220 |
Writing technology worker |
6230 |
Economics engineering manager |
6250 |
Economist (FS) |
6270 |
Economist (HS) |
6280 |
Administrator, office assistant |
6410 |
Archive worker |
6450 |
Social scientist (FS) |
6461 |
Archivist |
6462 |
Museum guard |
6471 |
State and legal scholars |
6472 |
Fire, safety engineer |
6473 |
Social scientist (HS) |
6474 |
Historian, folklorist |
6480 |
Archive, museum helper |
6611 |
Photographer |
6612 |
Movie reproduction technology worker |
6613 |
Common use letters and posters' artist |
6621 |
Toy worker |
6622 |
Art goods worker |
6623 |
Musical instruments worker |
6630 |
Crafts, musical compositions, culture manager |
6650 |
Art student (FS) |
6670 |
Art student (HS) |
6680 |
Creative artist's helper |
7051 |
Professional teacher, giving lectures (FS) |
7052 |
High school teacher for lower classes (FS) |
7053 |
Educator (FS) |
7054 |
Kindergarten teacher (FS) |
7055 |
Nursery educator |
7070 |
Teacher for vocational, technical, special schools (HS) |
7080 |
Youth education helper |
7270 |
High school teacher (HS) |
7470 |
Education researcher |
7810 |
Library, bookseller worker |
7850 |
Librarian, bookseller (FS) |
7860 |
Journalist, documentator (FS) |
7871 |
Philologist, linguist |
7872 |
Journalist, library scientist (HS) |
7950 |
Linguist (FS) |
7970 |
Linguist (HS) |
8070 |
Theologist |
9110 |
Head of state and business organs, social organizations |
9120 |
Director of facilities and operations |
9131 |
Senior worker: health, support |
9132 |
Senior worker: trade, food, service |
9133 |
Senior worker: building |
9134 |
Senior worker: transportation, storage, business |
9135 |
Senior worker: economics |
9136 |
Senior worker: culture, art |
9137 |
Senior worker: education |
9140 |
Other leadership worker |
9210 |
Traffic and transport official |
9220 |
Scientist, employee |
9230 |
Organization management official |
9240 |
State, legal, fire, safety official |
9250 |
Education official |
9260 |
Religious affairs official |
9270 |
Official in other areas |
9310 |
Other professional - mainly intellectual activities |
9320 |
Other professional - mainly physical activities |
9910 |
Worker, no details |
9920 |
Worker, no report |
9930 |
Manager, no report |
9950 |
Professional educator, unspecified |
9970 |
High school educator, unspecified |
9990 |
Unknown |
9999 |
NIU (not in universe) |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.