Interviewer instructions
Nature of institution means whether the school/institution is recognized or not. A recognized school/institution is one in which the course(s) of study followed is/are prescribed or recognized by the Govt. or a University or a board constituted by law or by any other agency authorised in this behalf by the Central or State Government. It also satisfies one or more of the authorities e.g. Directorate of Education, Municipal Board, Secondary Board, etc., with regard to its standard of efficiency. It runs regular classes and sends candidates for public examination, if any.
Codes to given are :
recognized - 1, unrecognised - 2, not known - 3
Code 3 will be given only when it is not possible to clearly record the status of the institution. However the investigator should try to find the status from well informed persons in the locality whenever the household is not in a position to supply the information. Not known code should be given only in exceptional cases when all efforts fail.