Interviewer instructions
Is the hh incurring any expenditure for dependents studying away from home ? : The purpose of this query is to identify those households which are incurring expenditure for education of children/other dependents of the head of the household staying in hostels or with others away from household, for which the details are needed to be collected in block 6. Thus persons who would have been members of the hh but for their staying away for pursuing studies only will be considered. Obviously these dependents will not be listed as hh members. It is not necessary that the expenditure is incurred by the head of the hh. It may be by any member of the hh. Contributions by hh members for education of persons who are not dependents will not be taken into accounts. Code 1 or 2 will be recorded depending on whether the hh is incurring any expenditure or not. As the block 6 is to be filled in only for persons age 5-24 years, this item will be covered only if the dependents happen to belong to this age group