Value |
Category |
1 |
Buying crops for resale |
2 |
Buying livestock for resale |
3 |
Buying commodities for resale |
4 |
Shop |
5 |
Weaving/Spinning for sale |
6 |
Making handicrafts for sale |
7 |
Milling against payment |
8 |
Transport against payment |
9 |
Traditional healing/clarivoyant |
10 |
Carpenter or wood work |
11 |
Blacksmith/metal work |
12 |
Dungcake, firwood, or charcoal resale |
13 |
Making tella, araqi, tej,.. for sale |
14 |
Injera, Daboo, other ... for sale |
15 |
Painter |
17 |
"Gesho" trade |
19 |
Buying spices for sale |
21 |
Shoemaker |
22 |
Shiruba Sira |
23 |
Salt trade |
24 |
Collecting and/or straw |
25 |
Tailor |
26 |
General trade (selling tobacco, small shop,...) |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.