Value |
Category |
1 |
To buy farm or other tools/implements |
2 |
To buy inputs |
3 |
To buy livestock |
4 |
To pay for hired labour |
5 |
To pay rent/taxes |
6 |
To start an off-farm business |
7 |
To buy food/goods for the household |
8 |
For transportation |
9 |
To pay for building materials |
10 |
To pay for health expenses |
11 |
To pay for education expenses |
12 |
For weeding |
13 |
Funeral expenses |
20 |
Other |
21 |
Ceremonial expenses (Mahiber/festive) |
22 |
Loan repayment |
23 |
For recreation |
24 |
For business expansion |
25 |
For dev't expenses |
26 |
To pay for ploughing with tractor |
27 |
To pay (contribution) for edir |
28 |
To pay for penality |
29 |
For constrution purpose |
30 |
For bee keeping |