Value |
Category |
0 |
1 |
All plows and plow parts (Yebere Eka) |
2 |
Maresha (metal) |
3 |
Sickle (machid) |
4 |
Pick ax (Fase) |
5 |
Axe (Metrebia) |
6 |
Pruning/Cutting shears (Megrezia) |
7 |
Gesso (w/metal) |
8 |
Mencha (w/metal) |
9 |
Hoe (Mekotkocha) |
10 |
Spade or shovel(Akafa) |
11 |
Whip (leather) (Yetefir Jiraf) |
12 |
Traditional beehive (Bahilawuye kefo) |
13 |
Modern Beehive (Zemenawuye kefo) |
14 |
Transitional Beehive (Yshigiger Kefo) |
15 |
Knapsack chemical sprayer |
16 |
Mechanical water pump (hand, foot) |
17 |
Motorized water pump (diesel) |
18 |
Stone grain mill (Yedingiye Woficho) |
19 |
Motorized grain mill (diesel) |
20 |
Broad Bed Maker (BBM) (oxen-pulled) |
21 |
Small tractor |
22 |
Hand-held motorized tiller |
23 |
Leather rope (Mechagna) (Used for packing items on transport animals like equines) |
24 |
Other, please specify |
999 |
Missing |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.