Employment status/position of the main job in the past one week:
Own-account worker
Self-employed assisted by temporary worker/family worker
Employer assisted by permanent worker
Family worker
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.
Interviewer instructions
How to fill in: Circle the corresponding answer. If the respondent's answer is coded 4 go to Q11.
Question post text
- Go to Q11 if coded = 1, 2, 3 or 5
Employment status is the status of a person at the place where he/she works.
1. Own-account worker is a person who works at his/her own risk without assisted by family member / laborer.
2.Self-employed assisted by family worker/ temporary laborer or worker, is a person who works at his/her own risk and assisted by family worker/ temporary laborer or worker.
3.Employer assisted by a permanent worker is a person who works at his/her own risk and assisted by permanent laborer/worker.
4. Worker/employee is is a person who work permanently for other people or institution/office/company and gains some money/cash or goods as wage/salary. Laborer who have no permanent employer is not categorized as a worker/employee except for agricultural laborer even they dont have permanen employer,still recognized as laborer.
5. Family worker is a person who works for other people without being paid in cash nor goods.
Household members aged 10 years and over who are employed or temporarily not working