1. No money-if the respondent or the family cannot afford to provide tuition fees.
2. Working-works with the intention to earn or help to earn a living or gain profit.
3. Married/handle household-if the respondent is very busy managing the household or feels inapropriate to go to school because she is already married/has a family to take care of.
4. Feel sufficient education-if the respondent feels that the education he currently has is enough and that there is no reason to continue to a higher level.
5. Underage-if the relevant household member is not old enough to go to school.
6. Bashful due to economic-if the respondent feels embarassed of the family’s economic condition.
7. Far distance to school-if the respondent considers that the school is too far from home,therefore difficult to reach.
8. Disabled-if the respondent considers that disability is an obstruction to go to school.
9. Waiting for annoucement-if the respondent has registered to a school but is waiting for announcement whether accepted or not.
10. Not accepted is a condition where a respondent does not meet the necessary requirements to be registered in a school,for example does not pass the entry test; or rejected by a school that does not accept disabled student.
11. Others is other reasons other than the above mentioned reasons. Such as being sick or not intelligent enough,including being expelled from school.