Value |
Category |
0 |
‘Activities that have unclear boundaries’ |
11 |
‘Food crops, plantation crops, and horticulture’ |
12 |
‘Livestock‘ |
13 |
‘Combination of agriculture or plantation with livestock’ |
14 |
‘Agriculture, plantation and livestock services’ |
15 |
‘Wildlife hunting, catching, and breeding wildlife’ |
20 |
‘Forestry’ |
50 |
Fishery |
101 |
‘Mining of coal, peat extraction, and coal gasification’ |
102 |
‘Briquette productions’ |
111 |
‘Oil and natural gas, and the exploitation of natural therma |
112 |
‘Oil and natural gas services’ |
120 |
‘Mining of uranium and thorium ores‘ |
131 |
‘Iron-ore mining and iron ores’ |
132 |
‘Mining of metal and tin ore which does not contain iron’ |
141 |
‘Excavation of rocks, clay and sand’ |
142 |
‘Mining and quarrying not elsewhere classified’ |
151 |
‘Processing and preserving meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, o |
152 |
‘Manufacture of milk and dairy food products’ |
153 |
‘Grinding or stripping of grain, flour, and fodder industry’ |
154 |
‘Manufacture of other food products’ |
155 |
‘Manufacture of beverages’ |
160 |
‘Manufacture of tobacco product‘ |
171 |
‘Spinning, weaving, and end textile processing’ |
172 |
‘Manufacture of textile end-product and carpet’ |
173 |
‘Knitting industry’ |
174 |
‘Kapok or cotton industry’ |
181 |
‘Manufacture of textile apparel, except fur apparel’ |
182 |
‘Manufacture of fur apparel’ |
191 |
‘Manufacture of leather and leather products , including art |
192 |
‘Manufacture of footwear’ |
201 |
‘Sawmill and the preservation of wood, rattan, bamboo and th |
202 |
‘Manufacture of products of wood, rattan, bamboo and the lik |
210 |
‘Manufacture of paper, paper goods, and the like’ |
221 |
‘Publishing industry’ |
222 |
‘Printing and related activities industry , including photoc |
223 |
‘Reproduction recording media, film and video’ |
231 |
‘Manufacture of coal product’ |
232 |
‘Extraction of crude petroleum, natural gas processing, and |
233 |
‘Nuclear fuel processing , nuclear fuel’ |
241 |
‘Basic chemical industry’ |
242 |
‘Other chemical industry’ |
243 |
‘Artificial fibre industry’ |
251 |
‘Rubber and from rubber-product industry’ |
252 |
‘Plastic products industry’ |
261 |
‘Glass and glass product industry’ |
262 |
‘Porcelain product industry’ |
263 |
‘Clay product industry’ |
264 |
‘Cement, calx and plaster, as well as cement and calx produc |
265 |
‘Stone product industry’ |
266 |
‘Asbestos product industry’ |
269 |
‘Non-metallic product industry’ |
271 |
‘Manufacture of iron and steel basic metals’ |
272 |
‘Manufacture of non-iron basic metals’ |
273 |
‘Foundry industry’ |
281 |
‘Manufacture of metal goods ready for buildings, making the |
289 |
‘Manufacture of other metal goods and metal-goods production |
291 |
‘Manufacture of general machinery’ |
292 |
‘Manufacture of machinery for special purposes’ |
293 |
‘Manufacture of household not classified‘ |
300 |
‘Manufacture of office, accounting and computing machinery’ |
311 |
‘Manufacture of electric motors, generators and transformers |
312 |
‘Manufacture of electric control and distribution equipment’ |
313 |
‘Manufacture of electric and telephone cables’ |
314 |
‘Manufacture of electric accumulators and batteries’ |
315 |
‘Manufacture of incandescent bulbs and lamps’ |
319 |
‘Manufacture of electrical equipment not elsewhere classifie |
321 |
‘Manufacture of electronic valves and tubes and other electr |
322 |
‘Manufacture of communication equipment’ |
323 |
‘Manufacture of radio, television, recording equipment and s |
331 |
Manuf of medical equipment & measurement, checking, and test |
332 |
‘Manufacture of optical instruments and photographic equipme |
333 |
‘Manufacture of watches or clock, bell, and the like’ |
341 |
‘Manufacture of four-wheeled or more motor vehicles’ |
342 |
‘Industry of four-wheeled or more motor vehicles assembling, |
343 |
‘Manufacture of equipment and components of four-wheeled or |
351 |
‘Manufacture of ships and boats and reparation’ |
352 |
‘Manufacture of train and the spare parts and equipment, and |
353 |
‘Manufacture of aircraft and its equipment and aircraft repa |
359 |
‘Manufacture of other transport equipment’ |
361 |
‘Manufacture of furniture’ |
369 |
‘Manufacture of jewellery and the like’ |
371 |
‘Recycling of metal goods’ |
372 |
‘Recycling of non-metal goods’ |
401 |
Electricity |
402 |
Gas |
403 |
‘Steam and hot water’ |
410 |
‘Procurement and distribution of clean water’ |
451 |
‘Land preparation’ |
452 |
‘Construction of civil buildings’ |
453 |
‘Installation of civil buildings’ |
454 |
‘Completion of building construction’ |
455 |
‘Rental of construction equipment or wrecker or destroyer eq |
501 |
‘Car sales’ |
502 |
‘Maintenance and repair’ |
503 |
‘Sales of spare parts and car accessories’ |
504 |
‘Sales, maintenance, and repair motorcycles, spare parts and |
505 |
‘Retail of vehicle fuel’ |
511 |
‘Large trade based on fees or contract’ |
512 |
‘Large domestic trade of agricultural raw materials, live an |
513 |
‘Large trade of household goods’ |
514 |
‘Large trade of intermediate non-agricultural products, seco |
515 |
‘Large trade of machinery, spare parts and accessories there |
519 |
‘Other large trade’ |
521 |
‘Retail trade various goods in the building’ |
522 |
‘Specialized retail trade of food commodities, beverages, or |
523 |
‘Specialized retail trade of other than food, beverages, and |
524 |
‘Retail trade of second hands in the building’ |
525 |
‘Mobile retails or outside the building trades’ |
526 |
‘Repair of personal and household goods’ |
531 |
‘Export trade based on fees or contract’ |
532 |
‘Export trade of agricultural raw materials, live animals, f |
533 |
‘Export trade of textiles, clothing and household goods’ |
534 |
‘Export trade of intermediate products non-agricultural prod |
535 |
‘Export trade of machinery, spare parts and accessories ther |
539 |
‘Other export trade’ |
541 |
‘Import trade based on fees or contract’ |
542 |
‘Import trade of agricultural raw materials, live animals, f |
543 |
‘Import trade of textiles, apparel, leather and household go |
544 |
‘Import trade of intermediate non-agricultural products, sec |
545 |
‘Import trade of machinery, spare parts and accessories ther |
549 |
‘Other import trade’ |
551 |
‘Accommodation provision’ |
552 |
‘Restaurant, bar and catering’ |
601 |
‘Railway transportation’ |
602 |
‘Road transportation’ |
603 |
‘Transportation by pipeline’ |
611 |
‘Sea transportation’ |
612 |
‘River, lake, and crossing transportation’ |
621 |
‘Scheduled air transportation’ |
622 |
‘Unscheduled air transportation’ |
631 |
‘Loading and unloading of goods services’ |
632 |
‘Warehousing, cold storage services, and bonded zone service |
633 |
‘Supporting services except loading or unloading services an |
634 |
‘Travel services’ |
635 |
‘Shipping and packing services’ |
639 |
‘Other transportation support services that are not elsewher |
641 |
‘National postal, postal service units and courier services’ |
642 |
‘Telecommunications and radio services’ |
651 |
‘Monetary intermediation , banking’ |
659 |
‘Other financial intermediation , leasing, mortgage’ |
660 |
‘Insurance and pension funds’ |
671 |
‘Financial intermediation support services except insurance |
672 |
‘Insurance and pension support services’ |
701 |
‘Owned or leased real estates and dormitories’ |
702 |
Real estate based on fee or contract |
703 |
‘Tourism destinations and water tourism provision’ |
711 |
‘Rental of transport equipment’ |
712 |
‘Rental of other machinery and the equipment’ |
713 |
‘Rental of household and personal goods not elsewhere classi |
721 |
‘Hardware consulting services’ |
722 |
‘Software consulting services’ |
723 |
‘Data processing’ |
724 |
‘Data base services’ |
725 |
‘Office machine, accounting machine, and computer maintenanc |
729 |
‘Other activities related to computer’ |
731 |
‘Research and development of natural science and technology’ |
732 |
‘Research and development of social sciences and humanities’ |
741 |
‘Legal, accounting and bookkeeping, tax consulting, market r |
742 |
‘Architect, technical and engineering, analysis and testing |
743 |
‘Advertising’ |
749 |
‘Other corporate services not elsewhere classified’ |
751 |
‘Administration and economic and social policies’ |
752 |
‘Foreign relations, defence and security’ |
753 |
‘Compulsory social security’ |
801 |
‘Basic education services’ |
802 |
‘Secondary education services’ |
803 |
‘Higher or tertiary education services’ |
809 |
‘Other education services’ |
851 |
‘Human health services’ |
852 |
‘Animal health services’ |
853 |
‘Services social activities’ |
900 |
‘Cleaning services’ |
911 |
‘Business organizations, entrepreneurs and professionals’ |
912 |
‘Labor organization’ |
919 |
‘Other organizations’ |
921 |
‘Film, radio, television and other entertainment activities’ |
922 |
‘News related activities’ |
923 |
‘Libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities’ |
924 |
‘Sports and other recreational activities’ |
930 |
‘Other service activities’ |
950 |
‘Services to serve individual households’ |
990 |
Sysmiss |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.