Value |
Category |
0 |
1 |
‘Army members’ |
2 |
‘Navy members’ |
3 |
‘Air force members’ |
4 |
‘Police members’ |
9 |
‘Other elements of defense and other security’ |
10 |
‘Inexperienced job seekers’ |
11 |
‘Chemistry researchers’ |
12 |
‘Physic researchers’ |
13 |
‘Other natural science researchers’ |
14 |
‘Natural science technicians’ |
20 |
‘Labors in an unknown position or unclear job position‘ |
21 |
‘Architects and urban planners’ |
22 |
‘Civil engineer’ |
23 |
‘Electrical engineers’ |
24 |
‘Mechanical engineers’ |
25 |
‘Chemical engineers’ |
26 |
‘Metallurgical engineers’ |
27 |
‘Mining engineers’ |
28 |
‘Industrial engineers’ |
29 |
‘Other engineers not elsewhere classified’ |
30 |
‘Labors that cannot be incorporated into any position’ |
31 |
‘Land survey and topographic technicians’ |
32 |
‘Technical drawers’ |
33 |
‘Civil engineering technicians’ |
34 |
‘Electrical engineering technicians’ |
35 |
‘Mechanical engineering technicians’ |
36 |
‘Chemical engineering technicians’ |
37 |
‘Metallurgical technicians’ |
38 |
‘Mining technicians’ |
39 |
‘Other technicians not elsewhere classified’ |
41 |
‘Pilots, navigators, and aircraft mechanics’ |
42 |
‘Ship officers, ship and port guides’ |
43 |
‘Ship engineers’ |
51 |
‘Biologists and zoologists’ |
52 |
‘Bacteriologists, pharmacologists, livestock and other assoc |
53 |
‘Farm Researchers’ |
54 |
‘Agronomists and other associate researchers’ |
55 |
‘Life science technicians’ |
61 |
‘Medical doctor’ |
62 |
‘Medical doctor assistants’ |
63 |
‘Dentist’ |
64 |
‘Dental assistant’ |
65 |
‘Veterinarians’ |
66 |
‘Veterinarian assistants’ |
67 |
‘Pharmacist’ |
68 |
‘Pharmacist assistants ‘ |
69 |
‘Dieticians and nutritionists’ |
71 |
‘Nurse Specialists’ |
72 |
‘Nurses’ |
73 |
‘Midwife specialists’ |
74 |
‘Midwifes’ |
75 |
‘Optometrist and optician’ |
76 |
‘Physiotherapists and rehabilitation specialists for the dis |
77 |
‘Medical X-ray technicians‘ |
79 |
‘Other health associated professional not elsewhere classifi |
81 |
‘Statisticians’ |
82 |
‘Mathematicians and actuaries’ |
83 |
‘System analysis experts’ |
84 |
‘Technician in the field of statistics and mathematics’ |
90 |
‘Economist’ |
110 |
‘Accountant’ |
121 |
‘Attorneys‘ |
122 |
‘Judge’ |
123 |
‘Attorney’ |
129 |
‘Notary and legal expert’ |
131 |
‘Lecturer at university, college, other higher education ins |
132 |
‘Senior secondary school teaching professionals’ |
133 |
‘Junior secondary school teaching professionals’ |
134 |
‘Primary school teaching professionals’ |
135 |
‘Preschool teaching professionals’ |
136 |
‘Non-formal education teaching professionals’ |
137 |
‘Special education teaching professionals‘ |
138 |
139 |
‘Other teaching professionals not elsewhere classified’ |
141 |
‘Religious leader or ulama, the commentators, preachers and |
142 |
‘Christian-Protestant pastor and other associate professiona |
143 |
‘Christian-Catholic priest and other associate professionals |
144 |
‘Monks and other associate professionals in Buddhism religio |
145 |
‘Pastor or ‘Pedanda’ and other associate professionals in Hi |
149 |
‘Other religious professionals not elsewhere classified’ |
151 |
‘Authors and critics’ |
152 |
‘Journalists, reporters, information expert, news commentato |
153 |
‘Editors, writers and other not elsewhere classified’ |
161 |
‘Sculptors, painters and associate artists‘ |
162 |
‘Artists and illustration designers’ |
163 |
‘Photographers and cameraman‘ |
169 |
‘Others not elsewhere classified’ |
171 |
‘Composers, modifiers, musicians and singers’ |
172 |
‘Choreographer and dancers‘ |
173 |
‘Directors and artists’ |
174 |
‘Producers and performing art technicians’ |
175 |
‘Comedians, jugglers and circus performers’ |
176 |
‘Puppeteers, gamelan players and other associate artists’ |
177 |
‘Protocols, broadcasters and associate professionals’ |
179 |
‘Other associate performing artists not else classified’ |
180 |
‘Athletes, coaches, sport administrators and other associate |
191 |
‘Librarians, archivists and curator expert’ |
192 |
‘Social science expert’ |
193 |
‘Social worker’ |
194 |
‘Human resource management expert‘ |
195 |
‘Linguists, translators, and language interpreter’ |
199 |
‘Other professionals and technicians not elsewhere classifie |
201 |
‘Legislators’ |
202 |
‘Senior government officials’ |
211 |
‘General Manager’ |
212 |
‘Production manager, except for agricultural production‘ |
213 |
‘Marketing Manager’ |
214 |
‘Financial Manager‘ |
215 |
‘Administration Manager’ |
216 |
‘Personnel Manager’ |
217 |
‘Manager of research and development‘ |
219 |
‘Other manager not else classified |
300 |
‘Administrative supervisor’ |
310 |
‘Government officials’ |
321 |
‘Stenographers and typists’ |
322 |
‘Punchers’ |
323 |
‘Telex clerks’ |
329 |
‘Other stenographer, typist, and telex clerk not elsewhere c |
331 |
‘Bookkeepers‘ |
332 |
‘Cashiers’ |
333 |
‘Treasurers’ |
339 |
Other related bookkeepers, cashier, treasurers not elsewhere |
341 |
‘Bookkeeping machine operator and calculating machines’ |
342 |
‘Computer operators and data-processing machines’ |
349 |
‘Calculating machine operators and data processors not elsew |
351 |
‘Head of the railway stations’ |
352 |
‘Head of ports’ |
353 |
‘Head of Airport’ |
354 |
‘Head of postal and giro office’ |
355 |
‘Head of telephone and telegraph office’ |
359 |
‘Supervisors in the field of transportation and communicatio |
360 |
‘Land transportation trip workers’ |
371 |
‘Letter deliverers’ |
372 |
‘Other cargo distribution workers’ |
380 |
‘Radio, telephone, and telegraph, or other communication dev |
391 |
‘Warehousing or logistical clerks’ |
392 |
‘Material and production planning clerks’ |
393 |
‘Office clerks, reports and correspondence’ |
394 |
‘Receptionist and travel agency clerks’ |
395 |
‘Library and chancery clerks’ |
399 |
‘Other clerks not elsewhere classified’ |
400 |
‘Large business and retail trade managers’ |
410 |
‘Employers large and retail trade’ |
421 |
‘Sales supervisor’ |
422 |
‘Buyers’ |
431 |
‘Technical equipment salespersons and technical service advi |
432 |
‘Order seekers, mobile trading workers, and industrial produ |
441 |
‘Insurance salesman’ |
442 |
‘Salesperson for building and land rental‘ |
443 |
‘Salesperson for bonds’ |
444 |
‘Salesperson for corporate service‘ |
445 |
‘Auctioneer and appraisers’ |
451 |
‘Salesperson, shopkeepers, commercial goods demonstrators’ |
452 |
‘Street vendors, mobile traders and salesmen’ |
490 |
‘Sales workers not elsewhere classified’ |
491 |
492 |
494 |
500 |
‘Business manager of food supply or catering and accommodati |
510 |
‘Business owners providing food or caterers and accommodatio |
520 |
‘Domesticity service and related workers’ |
531 |
‘Cooks’ |
532 |
‘Waiters, waitresses, and bartenders’ |
540 |
‘Maids and domestic workers and related workers that not els |
551 |
‘Keepers and janitor’ |
552 |
‘Cleaners and related workers and not elsewhere classified’ |
560 |
‘Laundry persons and related workers’ |
570 |
‘Beauticians, hair dressers, barbers, and related workers’ |
581 |
‘Fire-fighters’ |
582 |
‘Special police officers and securities’ |
589 |
‘Other protective and security services workers’ |
591 |
‘Guide‘ |
592 |
‘Undertaker and embalming bodies’ |
593 |
‘Health service personnel’ |
599 |
‘Other service for business’ |
600 |
‘Manager and supervisor of agricultural and animal husbandry |
611 |
‘Mixed-plantation farmer’ |
612 |
‘Specific plant farmers’ |
613 |
‘Breeders’ |
621 |
‘General agricultural and animal husbandry workers’ |
622 |
‘Seasonal-crop agricultural workers i.e. rice, cotton, sugar |
623 |
‘Annual-crop agricultural worker i.e. rubber, tea, palm oil, |
624 |
‘Livestock workers’ |
625 |
‘Dairy cattle workers’ |
626 |
‘Poultry workers’ |
627 |
‘Nursery, plant and garden workers’ |
628 |
‘Agricultural and animal husbandry machine operators’ |
629 |
‘Agricultural and animal husbandry worker not elsewhere clas |
630 |
‘Manager, businessmen and supervisors concession forestry bu |
631 |
‘Loggers and forest wood cutters’ |
632 |
‘Forestry business workers’ |
633 |
‘Forest products seekers, except wood’ |
640 |
‘Manager, employers, and supervisors of fishery and hunting |
641 |
‘Inland waters fish cultivation workers’ |
642 |
‘Inland waters fish catching workers’ |
643 |
‘Marine fish cultivation workers‘ |
644 |
‘Marine fish catching workers, except the ship captain and c |
645 |
‘Sea-product seekers, except fish’ |
646 |
‘Hunters’ |
648 |
649 |
‘Fishery and hunting worker related workers, not elsewhere c |
700 |
‘Production supervisors and foremen’ |
711 |
‘Mining, panning, and digging workers’ |
712 |
‘Preparation and processing of stone quarry workers’ |
713 |
‘Oil well, natural gas and other mineral drilling workers an |
721 |
‘Main metal melting and refining operators’ |
722 |
‘Metal grinding operators or metal grinding machine operator |
723 |
‘Main metal re-melting re-furnace operators’ |
724 |
‘Metal melting operators’ |
725 |
‘Metal molding makers’ |
726 |
‘Thermostat and metal hardening operators’ |
727 |
‘Wire and pipe makers’ |
728 |
‘Metal coating workers’ |
729 |
‘Other metal processing workers not elsewhere classified’ |
731 |
‘Wood processing- and preservation-plant operators‘ |
732 |
‘Chainsaw and plywood pressing machinery operators and other |
733 |
‘Paper-pulp plant operators’ |
734 |
‘Papermaking-plant operators’ |
739 |
‘Other wood processing-, papermaking-, bamboo processing, ra |
741 |
‘Crushing-, grinding-, and chemical-mixing-machinery operato |
742 |
‘Chemical-heat-treating-plan operators’ |
743 |
‘Chemical-filtering- and separating-equipment operators’ |
744 |
‘Chemical-still and reactor operators’ |
745 |
‘Petroleum-refining-plant operators’ |
749 |
‘Other chemical-processing-plant operators not elsewhere cla |
751 |
‘Fiber-preparing machine operators and fiber-preparing worke |
752 |
‘Spinning and winding machine operators and workers’ |
753 |
‘Machine setters, knitting workers and pattern-makers’ |
754 |
‘Weaving machine operators and worker not elsewhere classifi |
755 |
‘Knitting machine operators and knitting workers‘ |
756 |
‘Bleaching- and Dyeing- workers and related workers’ |
757 |
‘Batik makers’ |
759 |
‘Other related spinning-, weaving-, knitting-, dyeing-worker |
761 |
‘Tannery workers’ |
762 |
‘Leather processing workers’ |
771 |
‘Grain milling workers and related workers’ |
772 |
‘Sugar processing and refining workers’ |
773 |
‘Butcher and meat processing workers’ |
774 |
‘Food preservation workers’ |
775 |
‘Milk and dairy processing workers’ |
776 |
‘Bread, cake and candy makers’ |
777 |
‘Tea-, coffee-, and cocoa-processing workers’ |
778 |
‘Bootleggers and lightweight’ |
779 |
‘Other food and beverage processing workers not elsewhere cl |
781 |
‘Tobacco leaf processing workers’ |
782 |
‘Cigar makers’ |
783 |
‘Cigarette makers’ |
789 |
‘Tobacco processing workers not elsewhere classified’ |
791 |
‘Seamstress’ |
792 |
‘Leather and fur clothing makers‘ |
793 |
‘Hatter’ |
794 |
‘Pattern maker and clothing cutter’ |
795 |
‘Tailor, embroidery, embroidery, and hem workers’ |
796 |
‘Car or motorbike seat makers and related workers’ |
799 |
‘Other related sewing business workers not elsewhere classif |
801 |
‘Shoe makers and shoe repairing workers’ |
802 |
‘Shoe-part makers and related workers’ |
803 |
‘Leather goods makers’ |
811 |
‘Furniture makers’ |
812 |
‘Wood processing machine operators’ |
819 |
‘Other related wood-furniture makers not elsewhere classifie |
820 |
‘Stone processing workers’ |
831 |
‘Blacksmiths, forging-press workers and metal thread pressin |
832 |
‘Toolmakers and related workers’ |
833 |
‘Machine-tool setters‘ |
834 |
‘Machine-tool operators’ |
835 |
‘Metal wheel-grinders, polishers and tool sharpeners’ |
839 |
‘Blacksmiths, tool-makers, and machine-tool operators not el |
841 |
‘Machinery installers and assemblers ‘ |
842 |
‘Watch-, bell-, and precision-instruments workers’ |
843 |
‘Motor vehicle mechanics’ |
844 |
‘Aircraft engine mechanics’ |
849 |
‘Machine mechanics, machine installers and assemblers and pr |
851 |
‘Electrical machinery assemblers’ |
852 |
‘Electronic equipment assemblers’ |
853 |
‘Electrical and electronic equipment installers’ |
854 |
‘Electronic mechanics’ |
855 |
‘Electrical installer’ |
856 |
‘Telephone and telegraph installers’ |
857 |
‘Electric line installers and cable jointers’ |
859 |
‘Electrical equipment- setters, electrical and electronic wo |
861 |
‘Transmitter operators‘ |
862 |
‘Acoustic equipment film projector operators’ |
871 |
‘Pipe fitters’ |
872 |
‘Welder’ |
873 |
‘Sheet-metal workers’ |
874 |
‘Building material from metal assemblers’ |
880 |
‘Jewelry and precious-metal workers’ |
891 |
‘Glass-making machine operators and glass makers and related |
892 |
‘Ceramics and clays machine operators and workers’ |
893 |
‘Glass, ceramics, clay and limestone arsonists’ |
894 |
‘Glass engravers and etchers’ |
895 |
‘Glass and ceramic decorative painters‘ |
899 |
‘Glass and ceramics workers not elsewhere classified’ |
901 |
‘Rubber- and plastic-product machine operators, except for m |
902 |
‘Tire production and retread tires workers’ |
910 |
911 |
‘Paper- and paperboard-products makers’ |
921 |
‘Compositors and typesetters’ |
922 |
‘Printing machine operators’ |
923 |
‘Stereotypers and electrotypers’ |
924 |
‘Printing engravers and machine operators, except with photo |
925 |
‘Photographic engravers’ |
926 |
‘Bookbinders and related workers’ |
927 |
‘Old fashion photographic printing workers’ |
929 |
‘Other related printing and related workers not elsewhere cl |
931 |
‘Building painters’ |
932 |
‘Vehicle painters’ |
939 |
‘Painters not elsewhere classified’ |
941 |
‘Musical instrument workers and tuners’ |
942 |
‘Wickerwork and brush workers’ |
943 |
‘Non-metallic mineral and related workers’ |
944 |
‘Wood-curving-processing and related workers’ |
945 |
‘Bamboo-processing workers’ |
946 |
‘Rattan-processing workers’ |
949 |
‘Other goods processing workers not elsewhere classified’ |
951 |
‘Mason and tile pairs’ |
952 |
‘Cast concrete and terrazzo workers’ |
953 |
‘Roof tiles installers’ |
954 |
‘Carpenters’ |
955 |
‘Plasterers’ |
956 |
‘Isolation or insulation workers’ |
957 |
‘Glazier‘ |
959 |
‘Other construction workers not elsewhere classified’ |
961 |
‘Power-production operators’ |
969 |
‘Stationary machine and equipment operator not elsewhere cla |
971 |
‘Port blue-collar workers and porters’ |
972 |
‘Lifting truck cable assemblers and jointers‘ |
973 |
‘Crane operators and lifters’ |
974 |
‘Earth-moving operators‘ |
979 |
‘Other forklift and lifter operators not elsewhere classifie |
981 |
‘Boat sailors’ |
982 |
‘Ship's engine room seamen'’ |
983 |
‘Machinist and train stokers’ |
984 |
‘Brake-, train signal-, and train slender operators’ |
985 |
‘Motor vehicle drivers’ |
986 |
‘Animal-drawn vehicle drivers’ |
987 |
‘Rickshaws and pedal vehicle drivers’ |
989 |
‘Other transport workers not elsewhere classified’ |
999 |
‘Blue-collar workers not elsewhere classified’ |
Sysmiss |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.