- Q6 to Q15 are just for household members who currently are employed (Q2a.1 = 1 or Q3 = 1)
Literal question
How much the nett income of (NAME) main job from the past one month?
Interviewer instructions
- Q11.a & Q11.b is only asked if the anwer to Q10.a is either 1, 5 or 6, which means those who are Own account worker, casual employee in agriculture and casual employee not in agriculture.
Pendapatan bersih sebulan yang lalu adalah imbalan atau penghasilan selama sebulan baik berupa uang maupun barang yang diterima oleh seseorang yang bekerja dengan status berusaha sendiri, pekerja bebas di pertanian atau pekerja bebas di non pertanian.
Household members aged 10 years and over who are employed or temporarily not working