Highest level of education that has been/is being attended is the highest level of education that has been attended by a person and has graduated,or has been attended by a person who is still a student.
1. SD/SDLB is an Elementary School of 5/6/7 years or equivalent(elementary special school,small elementary school,pamong elementary school).
2. Madrasah Ibtidaiyah(MI) is Islamic Elementary School of SD equivalent.
3. SMP/SMPLB is Secondary School or the equivalent MULO,3-year HBS,and Secondary Special School).
4. Madrasah Tsanawiyah(MTs) is Islamic Secondary School of SMP equivalent .
5. General High School(SMU)/Special High School(SMLB) is a High School(SMU),or the equivalent(Special High School,5-year HBS,AMS,and Employee Administration High Course(KPAA).
6. Madrasah Aliyah(MA) is an Islamic High School of SMU equivalent.
7. Vocational High School(SMK) is a vocational school of SMA equivalent.
8. Diploma 1 / 2 Program is D1/D2 program in a university that organizes diploma 1 and 2 program in formal education.
9. Diploma 3 Program / baccalaureate is a D3 program or baccalaureate degree in an academy or university that organizes diploma programs or issues baccalaureate degrees.
10. Diploma 4 Program / bachelor is an education program of Diploma 4 or Strata1 in a university.
11. S2/S3 is a postgraduate education program(master or doctorate),Strata 2 or Strata 3 in a university.