Value |
Category |
Age |
Because of disturbance with Russia |
Birth of a child |
Business environment |
Circle was cancelled |
Death of a boss |
Death of a child |
Disturbance in the country |
Financial problems |
Fireman |
Government forbade it |
Hope to find a better job |
It was tough work |
Marriage |
Moved to another place |
No salary |
Payroll delay |
Personal decision |
Pregnancy |
Reduction of printing houses |
Season was over |
Seasonal |
Seasonal job |
Seasonal work |
Shrinking of the budget |
Staff reduction |
Student aid |
Student employment |
The olderly person died |
after 1993 war |
age related problems |
anarchy |
anarchy in the country |
because of war |
brought to the kindergarten |
can not arrange with studying |
can not find |
can not worked |
child birth |
child caretaker |
child went to kindergarten |
conscription to army |
dasrulda proeqti |
demand to submit the deposit |
displacement |
eating |
employer has gone |
exaggerated load |
going abroad |
had a child |
insufficient capital |
laundry was sold |
liquidation |
logopedist |
marriage |
marrying |
maternity leave |
military service |
national thinker |
patient's death |
personal statement |
pharmaceutist |
plans to go to russia |
political problems |
pregnancy |
reorganization |
resonpndent was arrested |
steet traiding was baned |
studying of german language was abolished |
suspended sentence |
the war began |
unstable situation in country |
war |
war began |
war began in Sukhumi |
war in Abkhazia |
war, no riots |
war, riots |
when I had a child |
work ended |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.