Value |
Category |
Moved to other place |
No reason |
Not enough points |
Reception was not always open |
Sportsman |
The family didn't have enough money |
Vacation |
Wanted in this way |
Was trying to pass during three years |
Wasn't in Georgia |
accumulating experience |
additional preparation |
applied to granted education |
child birth |
continued with spouse |
dancing in troop |
don't know |
excluded |
failed |
failing exams |
his/her granfather died |
in prison |
internship |
lack of finances |
lack of points |
mother died |
playing foorball |
points |
preparation courses |
preparing |
preparing for exams |
preparing for the exams |
preparing in subjects |
qualification |
refused to answer |
rest |
spouse died |
studying at music schoold |
wanted to change profession |
went to Greece |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.