Value |
Category |
-9 |
Don't know |
-7 |
Legal skip |
-6 |
Unfinished questionnaire |
-3 |
Interviewer error |
1 |
the respondent answered with pleasure |
2 |
survey with the respondent was conducted in a separate room |
3 |
respondent cannot read in Armenian |
4 |
was normal |
5 |
time limitations |
6 |
have not completed the exercise booklet |
7 |
the respondent had difficulties with reading in Armenian, the exercise booklet was not completed |
8 |
inconveniece |
9 |
the respondent had distraction |
10 |
the respondent was tired |
11 |
the respondent had not completed the exercise booklet, considering useless |
12 |
the respondent refused to provide phone number |
13 |
the respondent completed booklets |
14 |
the respondent had a better attitude after the survey |
15 |
the respondent had great expectations from the survey |
16 |
the respondent wanted to be informed about her/his results |
17 |
when filling out the exercise booklet respondent felt squeezed, but filled it up to the end |
18 |
bed case: the respondent couldn't continue |
19 |
the respondent did not take the tests seriously |
20 |
the respondent had difficulties in reading because of the small font of the texts |
21 |
the respondent had not filled reasoning that it would not give anything to her/him |
22 |
the respondent firstly mentioned that they have landline, then that it had been lifted a week ago |
23 |
the respondent's nationality was Russian, spoke and understood Armenian very well. According to her/him, she/he can not red and wrote, because of which refused to do exercises |
24 |
the respondent was compaining about the questions |
25 |
when forming the list of household members the repsondent's husbands, Armenak as the name was mentioned, who as it turned out later had left for the RF as a librant migrant 4 months prior to that. According to current |
26 |
the respondent refused to fill the reading booklet because of going out with child |
27 |
the respondent had difficulties in replying to some questions of the exercise booklet |
28 |
the respondent did not comprehend the sense of the questions |
29 |
the respondent had vision problem |
30 |
the respondent was very pleasant person |
31 |
the respondent had health problems |
32 |
refused to fill booklets |
33 |
the respondent firstly with difficulties, but then filled the booklets till the end |
34 |
the respondent could not fill the booklets |
35 |
the respondent was unbearable |
36 |
husband forbided to participate in the survey, otherwise requested 30 000 AMD |
37 |
the respondent refused to answer to the 6th section's questions, reasoning that it seems like gambling |
38 |
guests came and the respondent had not finished the exercise booklet |
39 |
the respondent proceeded tensely |
40 |
the pen has been changed during the process |
41 |
HH member's ban |
42 |
the respondent had problem's with writing |
43 |
the respondent was filling the booklets fastly |
44 |
the respondent was filling the booklets slowly |
45 |
the respondent was reading the booklets, clearifying, then filling |
46 |
the respondent's listening ability was weak |
47 |
flat handyman |
48 |
the respondent was blind |
49 |
the respondent had difficulties with procession that's why refused to fill the exercise booklet |
50 |
the respondent refused to fill the exercise booklet without any serious reason |
51 |
the selected person had gone to Russia to cure the child |
52 |
the respondent was answering with doubt |
53 |
the respondent was answering with astonishment |
54 |
the respondent was answering very carefully and concentrated |
55 |
the selected person was unavailable |
56 |
the respondent's spouse did not allow to fill out the booklets |
57 |
the respondent could not write clear |
58 |
the respondent did not believe that foreign states will implement useful programs in Armenia |
59 |
the selected person was not home, the wife was afraid of his husband |
81 |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.