Value |
Category |
1 |
01-Refusal-Household |
2 |
02-Unusual circumstance-Household |
3 |
03-No knowledgeable household member found after 3 visits |
4 |
04-Temporarily absent/unavailable for field period |
5 |
05-No competent household member (e.g., severe illness, mental disability, etc.) |
6 |
06-Language problem |
7 |
07-Dwelling could not be found - insufficient Sample Frame address info |
8 |
08-Vacant dwelling / selected address has no household |
9 |
09-Dwelling not habitable/destroyed/converted to commercial |
10 |
10-household moved away |
21 |
21-Household Refusal to continue Household Module (begun,not complete) |
22 |
22-Household module terminated - unusual circumstance |
31 |
31-No eligible household member aged 15-64 |
32 |
32-Refusal by SP to begin modules 2-7 |
33 |
33-Interview termination-SP unusual circumstance |
34 |
34-Refusal-Other Household Member refused to let SP participate |
35 |
35-Unable to contact SP after 3 attempts |
36 |
36-SP absent for entire survey period |
37 |
37-SP deaf or hard of hearing |
38 |
38-SP learning or mental disability |
39 |
39-SP speech impairment |
40 |
40-SP language problem |
51 |
51-Refusal by SP to continue modules 2-7 |
52 |
52-Interview termination-SP unusual circumstance |
61 |
61-SP unable to read language of General Booklet (GB) |
62 |
62-SP refusal to begin GB |
63 |
63-SP unable to do GB due to unusual circumstance |
64 |
64-SP blindness or visual impairment-unable to do GB |
65 |
65-SP physical disability |
71 |
71-SP looked through GB-unable to read/write language of GB |
72 |
72-SP refused to continue GB after starting |
73 |
73-GB interruption too long |
74 |
74-GB terminated - unusual circumstance |
75 |
75-Attempted GB, no answers marked |
76 |
76-Attempted part or all of GB; <3 correct Core answers |
77 |
77-Marked some items, attempted all items in GB |
78 |
78-Marked all items in GB |
81 |
81-No attempt at any Exercise Booklet items / refusal to start |
82 |
82-Interruption too long during Exercise Booklet administration |
83 |
83-Unusual circumstance, Exercise Booklet administration terminated |
84 |
84-Attempt at some Exercise Booklet items, no answers marked |
85 |
85-Attempt at all Exercise Booklet items, no answers marked |
86 |
86-Marked some Exercise Booklet items, not all items attempted |
87 |
87-Marked some Exercise Booklet items, all items attempted |
88 |
88-Marked all Exercise Booklet items |
94 |
94-Case dropped due to data quality issue |
95 |
95-Household not activated |
96 |
96-General non-response; unspecified reason |
97 |
97-Household not interviewed - field procedure error |
98 |
98-Incorrect eligible household member selected |
99 |
99-Ineligible household member selected |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.