Value |
Category |
1 |
1.Completed interview |
2 |
2.Partially completed interview |
7 |
7.Refused to participate |
31 |
31.Joined with other household |
32 |
32.All ART died |
33 |
33.Household moved out |
34 |
34.Household duplicate with |
35 |
35.Unable to contact |
36 |
36.Household does not live in this cluster and unable to contact |
37 |
37.Not chosen for interview |
38 |
38.Other |
39 |
39.Replaced as the HH does not have any children under 2 years {added - Aug 19, 2008} |
97 |
97.HH not found |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.