Value |
Category |
Eight billion five hundred million |
Eight hundred fifty million |
Eight hundred million |
Eight hundred ninety two million one hundred fifty eight thousand |
Eight hundred seventy six million |
Eighteen billion |
Eighty eight million nine hundred thousand |
Eighty five million |
Eighty four million |
Eighty million |
Eighty six million |
Eighty two million |
Eleven billion |
Eleven billion five hundred million |
Eleven billion three hundred million |
Fifteen billion |
Fifteen million |
Fifty billion |
Fifty five billion |
Fifty five million |
Fifty four million |
Fifty million |
Fifty nine billion |
Fifty seven billion |
Fifty seven million six hundred thousand |
Fifty six billion one hundred million |
Fifty six million |
Fifty two million |
Five billion |
Five billion four hundred million |
Five billion nine hundred million |
Five billion seven hundred million |
Five billion sixty million |
Five hundred eighty million |
Five hundred fifty eight million |
Five hundred fifty million |
Five hundred fifty six million one hundred twenty four thousand |
Five hundred forty million |
Five hundred million |
Five hundred seventy five million four hundred thousand |
Five hundred six million one hundred ninety six thousand |
Five hundred sixty million |
Five hundred thirty eight million |
Five hundred thirty one million |
Five hundred twenty nine million |
Five million |
Forty billion |
Forty eight billion |
Forty eight million |
Forty four billion |
Forty million |
Forty one billion four hundred forty five million six hundred eighty two thousand six hundred |
Forty six billion |
Forty six million |
Forty six million eight hundred thousand |
Forty six million seven hundred fifty thousand |
Forty three billion |
Forty three million |
Four billion |
Four billion eight hundred fifteen million two hundred three thousand |
Four billion eight hundred million |
Four billion five hundred million |
Four billion one hundred twenty million |
Four billion seven hundred fifty million |
Four billion six hundred million |
Four billion three hundred twenty million |
Four hundred billion |
Four hundred eight million |
Four hundred eighty million |
Four hundred fifty billion |
Four hundred fifty million |
Four hundred fifty six million |
Four hundred forty million |
Four hundred fourteen million seven hundred twenty thousand |
Four hundred million |
Four hundred ninety million six hundred fifty one thousand |
Four hundred seventy million |
Four hundred sixty million |
Four hundred sixty million six hundred fifty thousand |
Four hundred ten million |
Four hundred thirty five million |
Four hundred thirty million |
Four hundred twenty five million |
Four hundred twenty million |
Four million three hundred sixty eight thousand |
Fourteen billion |
Fourteen billion five hundred fifty million |
Fourteen billion five hundred million |
Fourteen billion one hundred million twenty five thousand |
Fourteen million |
Nine billion |
Nine billion eight hundred seventy nine million twenty five thousand six hundred four |
Nine billion eighty six million |
Nine billion three hundred fifty million |
Nine billion two hundred million |
Nine hundred eighty one million |
Nine hundred fifty million |
Nine hundred million |
Nine hundred seventy five million six hundred fifty thousand eight hundred |
Nine hundred sixty million |
Nine hundred thirty million |
Nine hundred twenty nine million |
Nine hundred twenty six million |
Nine hundred twenty three million seven hundred eighty six thousand seventy three |
Nineteen billion |
Nineteen billion six hundred forty eight million two hundred ninety two thousand |
Ninety five million |
Ninety million |
Ninety one million |
Ninety six million |
One billion |
One billion eight hundred forty million |
One billion eight hundred million |
One billion eight hundred twenty million |
One billion eighty five million |
One billion eighty million |
One billion five hundred million |
One billion four hundred fifty million |
One billion four hundred million |
One billion four million |
One billion nine hundred million |
One billion nine hundred thirty four million |
One billion nine hundred thirty three million |
One billion one hundred million |
One billion one hundred thirty nine million five hundred fifty nine thousand thirty eight |
One billion seven hundred million |
One billion seven hundred twenty million |
One billion six hundred four million five hundred thirty five thousand two hundred twenty one |
One billion six hundred million |
One billion three hundred fifty eight million |
One billion three hundred fifty five million four hundred fifty five thousand |
One billion three hundred million |
One billion three hundred thirty four million four hundred ninety five thousand one hundred |
One billion three hundred thousand |
One billion two hunderd and thirty million |
One billion two hundred million |
One billion two hundred seventy two million eighty five thousand |
One billion two hundred thirty four million seventy six thousand |
One hundred and forty five billion |
One hundred and forty million |
One hundred and sixty one million four hunderd and fifty seven thousand five hundred and thirty nine |
One hundred billion |
One hundred eight billion |
One hundred eight million |
One hundred eighty million |
One hundred fifteen million |
One hundred fifty four million three hundred thirty four thousand |
One hundred fifty million |
One hundred fifty six million |
One hundred five million |
One hundred forty eight million |
One hundred forty five million |
One hundred forty four million |
One hundred forty million |
One hundred million |
One hundred ninety million |
One hundred ninety three million |
One hundred ninety two million |
One hundred seventy five million |
One hundred seventy million |
One hundred seventy two million |
One hundred six million one hundred fifty eight thousand |
One hundred sixty eight million |
One hundred sixty four million |
One hundred sixty million |
One hundred sixty two million |
One hundred ten million |
One hundred thirty five million |
One hundred thirty four million four hundred thousand |
One hundred thirty million |
One hundred twelve million |
One hundred twenty five million |
One hundred twenty four billion eight hundred million |
One hundred twenty million |
One hundred twenty one million eighty thousand |
One hundred twenty three million |
One trillion |
Seven billion |
Seven billion eight hundred million |
Seven billion one hundred sixty four million |
Seven billion two hundred million |
Seven hundred eighty seven million |
Seven hundred fifty million |
Seven hundred million |
Seven hundred ninety million |
Seven hundred sixty million |
Seven hundred thirty million |
Seven hundred twelve million |
Seven hundred twenty million |
Seven hundred twenty million one hundred twenty two thousand |
Seven million five hundred thousand |
Seventy eight million six hundred thousand |
Seventy five billion |
Seventy million |
Seventy nine million |
Seventy nine million eight hundred thousand |
Seventy six billion |
Seventy six million |
Seventy two million |
Six billion |
Six billion eight hundred million |
Six billion eight hundred seventy million nine hundred thousand |
Six billion five hundred fifty two million |
Six billion five hundred seventy million |
Six billion seven hundred million |
Six billion two hundred million |
Six billion two hundred ninety million |
Six hundred eighty four million |
Six hundred eighty million |
Six hundred fifteen million |
Six hundred fifty million |
Six hundred forty eight million |
Six hundred million |
Six hundred sixty million |
Six hundred thirty six million |
Six hundred twenty million |
Sixteen billion |
Sixteen million |
Sixty billion |
Sixty five million |
Sixty million |
Sixty million four hundred thousand |
Sixty one billion six hundred fifty three million seven hundred fifty five thousand three hundred one |
Sixty seven million nine hundred thousand eight hundred seventy five |
Sixty six million |
Sixty three million eight hundred thirty thousand two hundred fifty |
Sixty two million |
Sixty two million one hundred one thousand two hundred fifty |
Ten billion |
Ten billion sixty seven million six hundred thousand |
Thirteen billion five hundred million |
Thirteen million one hundred sixty two thousand |
Thirty billion |
Thirty four billion |
Thirty million |
Thirty one billion six hundred ninety million |
Thirty one billion two hundred million |
Thirty six billion |
Thirty three billion |
Three billion |
Three billion eight hundred twenty seven million six hundred ninety nine thousand three hundred fifty five |
Three billion five hundred million |
Three billion five hundred sixty two million one hundred twenty three thousand |
Three billion five hundred thousand |
Three billion nine hundred million |
Three billion one hundred eighteen million six hundred eighty seven thousand six hundred sixty seven |
Three billion one hundred twenty million |
Three billion seven hundred million |
Three billion seven hundred ten million |
Three billion seven hundred twelve million |
Three billion six hundred million |
Three billion two hundred million |
Three hundred eight million |
Three hundred eighty eight million eight hundred thousand |
Three hundred eighty million |
Three hundred fifty million |
Three hundred fifty six million |
Three hundred fifty two million |
Three hundred forty five million |
Three hundred million |
Three hundred seventy five million |
Three hundred seventy million |
Three hundred seventy nine million six hundred fifty thousand |
Three hundred sixty million |
Three hundred sixty two million eight hundred eighty thousand |
Three hundred thirty six million |
Three hundred twenty four million |
Three hundred twenty million |
Three hundred twenty one million |
Twelve billion |
Twelve billion six hundred million |
Twelve million eight hundred thousand |
Twenty billion four hundred forty six million seven hundred thirty five thousand |
Twenty five billion |
Twenty five million |
Twenty four million |
Twenty nine billion |
Twenty one billion |
Twenty seven billion nine hundred fifty million |
Twenty two billion one hundred eighty three million eight hundred thousand |
Twenty two million |
Two billion |
Two billion eight hundred million |
Two billion five hundred million |
Two billion nine hundred million |
Two billion seven hundred eighty million two thousand four hundred twenty three |
Two billion seven hundred eleven million five hundred thirty four thousand five hundred |
Two billion seven hundred ninety million |
Two billion six hundred million |
Two billion two hundred forty six million four hundred thousand |
Two billion two hundred million |
Two hundred eight million |
Two hundred eighty eight million |
Two hundred eighty million |
Two hundred eleven million |
Two hundred fifty billion |
Two hundred fifty million |
Two hundred fifty two million |
Two hundred forty four million |
Two hundred forty million |
Two hundred fourteen million |
Two hundred million |
Two hundred seventy million |
Two hundred seventy seven million six hundred twenty four thousand |
Two hundred seventy three million |
Two hundred sixty four million |
Two hundred sixty million |
Two hundred ten million |
Two hundred thirty million |
Two hundred thirty six million |
Two hundred thirty three million nine hundred two thousand |
Two hundred twenty five million |
Two hundred twenty million |
Two hundred twenty million nine hundred three thousand two hundred seven |
Two hundred twenty three million |
Two hundred two million |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.