Value |
Category |
Architects, planners,map engineers & designers |
Business services agents |
Cashiers and ticket sellers |
Child care service workers and teacher assistants |
Clerks related with numerical operations |
Cooks |
Craftsmen of construction supplementary affairs and workers in related jobs |
Databases and computer networks professionals |
Directors related with sales, marketing & business Development |
Electronics and telecommunications installers and repairers |
Executive and specialist secretaries |
Handicraft workers |
Information and Communications Technology, Operation and User Support Technicians |
Machine maintenance and repair workers |
Metal sheet and Metal Building Material Workers, molders and welders and workers in related jobs |
Mobile plant operators |
Operators using keyboard |
Operators using keyboardHairdressers, beauticians and workers in related jobs |
Other office services clerks |
Other sales staff |
Personal care service staff in healt service |
Physical and engineering science technicians |
Rubber, plastic and paper products machine operators |
Sales staff for store, shop etc.. |
Software and application developers and analysts |
Textiles, fur and leather products machine operators |
Waiters and bartenders |
Wood processors, wood furniture manufacturers and workers in related jobs |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.