Value |
Category |
Accomodation fee |
Do not know |
For his payments |
For my brother marriage |
For my relatives |
For private reasons |
I gave it to my son |
Kitchen expenses |
Military loan |
Personal loan |
Tax liabilty |
The expenses |
To Pay Credit Card Dept |
To a course |
To be a pensioned |
To expense of the driving course |
To help to my brother |
To invest |
To move to a house |
To pay previous depts |
To pay the bills |
To pay the credit card dept |
To pay the previous depts |
To pay the rent |
To pay the social security primes |
To travel abroad |
Traffic penalty |
Wedding |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.