Value |
Category |
1 |
Armed forces occupations |
2 |
Commissioned armed forces officers |
3 |
Non-commissioned armed forces officers |
4 |
Armed forces occupations, other ranks |
5 |
Managers |
6 |
Chief executives, senior officials and legislators |
7 |
Administrative and commercial managers |
8 |
Production and specialized services managers |
9 |
Hospitality, retail and other services managers |
10 |
Professionals |
11 |
Science and engineering professionals |
12 |
Health professionals |
13 |
Teaching professionals |
14 |
Business and administration professionals |
15 |
Information and communications technology professionals |
16 |
Legal, social and cultural professionals |
17 |
Technicians and associate professionals |
18 |
Science and engineering associate professionals |
19 |
Health associate professionals |
20 |
Business and administration associate professionals |
21 |
Legal, social, cultural and related associate professionals |
22 |
Information and communications technicians |
23 |
Clerical support workers |
24 |
General and keyboard clerks |
25 |
Customer services clerks |
26 |
Numerical and material recording clerks |
27 |
Other clerical support workers |
28 |
Service and sales workers |
29 |
Personal service workers |
30 |
Sales workers |
31 |
Personal care workers |
32 |
Protective services workers |
33 |
Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers |
34 |
Market-oriented skilled agricultural workers |
35 |
Market-oriented skilled forestry, fishery and hunting worker |
36 |
Subsistence farmers, fishers, hunters and gatherers |
37 |
Craft and related trades workers |
38 |
Building and related trades workers, excluding electricians |
39 |
Metal, machinery and related trades workers |
40 |
Handicraft and printing workers |
41 |
Electrical and electronic trades workers |
42 |
Food processing, wood working, garment and other craft and r |
43 |
Plant and machine operators, and assemblers |
44 |
Stationary plant and machine operators |
45 |
Assemblers |
46 |
Drivers and mobile plant operators |
47 |
Elementary occupations |
48 |
Cleaners and helpers |
49 |
Agricultural, forestry and fishery labourers |
50 |
Labourers in mining, construction, manufacturing and transpo |
51 |
Food preparation assistants |
52 |
Street and related sales and service workers |
53 |
Refuse workers and other elementary workers |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.