Question pretext
1 Daycare / Nursery
2. Pre-school
3. Primary (Infant) or Primary
4. Lower/ Junior Secondary (Forma (1-3)/ Senior Primary
5. Upper Secondary (Forms 4&5)
9. Doctorate level programs
10. Other (Specify) _______________
11. None
Children three years and over who attend a daycare/nursery or pre-school should respond at option 11 Q.62. Persons who answered primary, secondary, pre-university and university education are asked about their highest certificates/diplomas/degrees at Question 63. Option 3 Infant or Primary includes kindergarten.
Literal question
What is the highest level of education that you have/......has completed?
Value |
Category |
1 |
Day care/nursery |
2 |
Pre-school |
3 |
Pre-primary (Infant) or Primary |
4 |
Lower/Junior Secondary/Senior Primary |
5 |
Upper secondary (Forms 4 & 5) |
6 |
Post secondary, non-tertiary |
7 |
University/tertiary (Bachelors) |
8 |
University/tertiary (Masters) |
9 |
University/Tertiary (PhD) |
10 |
Other |
11 |
None |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.
Interviewer instructions
If “other” is selected, remember to specify by writing the response on the line provided. Answer only one category. If the person is attending more than one type of institution, select the response that reflects the institution which will result in the highest level of education.