Literal question
How are you related to (Person 1)?
1. Householder 2. Spouse 6. Father/mother
3. Natural or adopted son/daughter 7. Grandchild
4. Stepson/stepdaughter 8. Other relative:
5. Brother/sister
If not related to Person 1:
9. Roomer, boarder, or foster child 11. Unmarried partner
10.Domestic worker/helper 12. Other nonrelative
Question post text
1. Householder
2. Spouse 6. Father/mother
3. Natural or adopted son/daughter 7. Grandchild
4. Stepson/stepdaughter 8. Other relative:
5. Brother/sister
If not related to Person 1: ___________________________
9. Roomer, boarder, or foster child 11. Unmarried partner
10.Domestic worker/helper 12. Other nonrelative