Nature of employment refers to the permanence or regularity or seasonality with which a particular work or job/business is being pursued. It is the status in job or business, which may be any of the following:
1 - Permanent job/business/unpaid family work - when employment, for pay or profit or as unpaid family worker, had lasted or expected to last for one year or longer. In general, work is considered permanent if the person engaged in an activity works or expects to work for at least one year. For farm operators or farm workers, however, their job can be considered permanent even if they work or expect to work for only 10 calendar months in a year provided that during the remaining two months, their activities are in relation to farming such as inspection of the fields, pasturing of work animals, taking care of the livestock and poultry or even simply cleaning equipment being used in the farm.
A person who worked under probationary period for 6 months must have a code of “1” if he is expected to work for at least one year. If the work is expected to last for less than one year or less than 10 calendar months, consider the nature of employment as short term or seasonal.
2 - Short-term or seasonal or casual job/business/unpaid family work - when employment had lasted or expected to last less than one year since it started or for less than 10 calendar months in a year in the case of farm operators and fishermen and their unpaid family workers.
3 - Worked for different employers or customer on day to day or week to week basis - for odd job workers/stevedores not on payroll or not connected with union/market and other cargo handlers receiving pay from individual customers.