Interviewer instructions
For purposes of this survey, the age of a person should be reported in terms of the number of years completed, i.e., his age as of his last birthday.
Enter age as a 2-digit number; if less than 10 years, prefix a “0” to make it a 2-digit code. For infants less than 1 year as of the day of your visit, enter “00'. For persons aged 98 or over, enter “98”.
If the respondent cannot give exact information about the age of any one member of the household, politely ask him to give his best estimate. In the remote case that he cannot or he refuses to give even an estimate, enter “99” in column 7 for that member to indicate that age is unknown.
In column 7A, put a checkmark for all members who are 10 years old and over. This will be your guide as to which members items 8 to 44 will apply.