Value |
Category |
1 |
Agricultural production |
2 |
Livestock production |
3 |
Fishing |
4 |
Hunting |
5 |
Gathering |
6 |
Day worker paid inkind |
7 |
Aid, gift,(inkind/food) |
8 |
Sale of agriculrutal produce |
9 |
Sale of garden produce |
10 |
Sale of livestock produce |
11 |
Sale of fish products |
12 |
Sale products from hunting and gathering |
13 |
Sale of cattle |
14 |
Small business |
15 |
Daily work |
16 |
Artisinal work |
17 |
Transport |
18 |
Civil servant |
19 |
Salary earners |
20 |
Contract (NGOs, UN…) |
21 |
Pension for disabled |
22 |
Business/entrepreneur |
23 |
Remittances for migrants |
24 |
Aid, gifts (non-food) |
25 |
Credit, loan |
26 |
Others |
88 |
Not Applicable |
99 |
Non response |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.