Domestic violence Violence is any act or intended act of a household member against another member for the purpose of causing psychological or physical harm or any other types of pain and abuse. The study discussed different types of psychological, physical, and sexual violence practiced by the household members against each other. It is worth mentioning that other sources use terms like abuse, assault, and aggression and other terms and concepts to describe different types of violence and harm-causing. The concepts may slightly differ; however, they mean the same with respect to causing harm, psychological, and physical assaults. The study uses the term violence to illustrate all types of assaults and harm-causing.
It means determining the marital status of an individual or the personal status of an individual aged 12 years and over at the time of the interview. Marital status deals with the rules and traditions of marriage in the country. It could be one of the following: 1. Single: It is the status of an individual aged 12 and over who has not been actually married in accordance with the prevalent tradition (has not had the first night of marriage yet) and has not had a marriage contract and has not been married before. 2. Has a marriage certificate for the first time but has not had the first night of marriage yet: This is the kind of individuals aged 12 years and over who have a registered formal marriage certificate by a court but have not actually gotten married in accordance with the prevalent tradition (have not had the first night of marriage); this does not include divorced or widowed people or a male who is currently married and has a second marriage certificate; such person is considered married. 3. Married: This is a person aged 12 and over who is actually married in accordance with the prevalent tradition whether such person lived or not with the spouse at the time of the interview; previous status is disregarded. 4. Divorced: A person aged 12 and over who has been married before and then had a divorce, which is legally registered, and has not remarried. 5. Widow/ widower: An individual aged 12 and over who has actually been married before but the marriage ended by the death of the spouse and such individual has not remarried. Separated: An individual aged 12 and over who has actually been married before and has, for one reason or another, been separated from the last spouse without any official and legal registered evidence and has not remarried