Does your son or daughter come to you for help when they are beaten, attacked, cursed, or subjected to verbal abuse
I don't know
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.
Interviewer instructions
Please answer questions DA01-DA02 in accordance with available options in the square below.
The code of the answer should be noted by selecting the appropriate number below
No (Go to DA09)
I don't know (Go to DA09)
Question post text
Do you agree that your son or daughter work before turning 18 years of age
Domestic violence Violence is any act or intended act of a household member against another member for the purpose of causing psychological or physical harm or any other types of pain and abuse. The study discussed different types of psychological, physical, and sexual violence practiced by the household members against each other. It is worth mentioning that other sources use terms like abuse, assault, and aggression and other terms and concepts to describe different types of violence and harm-causing. The concepts may slightly differ; however, they mean the same with respect to causing harm, psychological, and physical assaults. The study uses the term violence to illustrate all types of assaults and harm-causing.
·Ever-married women aged (15-64) Years
·Children aged (5-17) Years
·Unmarried women aged (18 years and over)
·Elderly 65 years and Over
Imputation and derivation
Field data checks was done in two stages; the supervisor would edit the completed questionnaire in the field before it was sent to an editor who would send the questionnaire back to the filed for correcting mistakes if any mistakes were found