Fill in one code 1 s.d. 4.
Code 1: Do not have a diploma are those who do not or have never completed formal education or non-formal lows. Those who had attended primary school or its equivalent 5/6/7 years (al exceptional primary level schools, madrasah, primary school tutor, a small elementary school, and Package A) but not / have not been completed.
Code 2: SD / equivalent is completed primary school or its equivalent 5/6/7 year (exceptional level of elementary school, a small elementary school, elementary school tutor, or Package A).
Government Elementary School (MI), is a madrasah graduate is equal to the elementary school.
Code 3: junior / high school graduate or equivalent is first both general and vocational, or its equivalent (MULO, HBS 3 years, tremendous junior high school, school cleverness or SKP daughter, high school or SMEP first economic, technical school or ST, school or SKKP first family welfare, vocational school four years, farming school, junior high school agriculture, school teachers or SGB, religion teacher education 4 years or PGA, course administration or KPA employee, employee education matters religious courts, and pass Package B.
Islamic Junior High School (MTs), is equal tsanawiyah madrasah graduate to secondary school.
Code 4: High School / equivalent and above is completed at least upper secondary school (high school), or its equivalent {HBS 5 years, AMS, Course of Administrative Employees (KPAA)}, Package C, Madrasah Aliyah (MA), such as vocational schools Intermediate Social Workers (SMPS), Middle School Craft Industry, Arts High School, Middle School Karawitan Indonesia (ISMS), High School Musical, School of Technology Development Secondary, Upper Secondary School of Economics (SMEA), Secondary School of Technology, School of Agricultural Technology , Shipping Technology Middle School, High School of Mining Technology, Graphic Technology High School, Sports School Teachers (SGO), School of Teacher Education Outstanding (SGPLB), 6 years of Religious Education Teacher, School Teachers Kindergarten, Teacher Education Course (KPG ), School of Chemical Analyst, School Assistant Pharmacist (SAA), School of Midwives, School Governing Röntgen.
If the diploma is owned lost / had considered burning.