Fill one code 0 s.d. 9. Someone said to go to school when he enrolled and actively participating in the learning process in a formal education and non-formal. Education who managed by the private sector in this survey must be education who is accredited / registered.
Code 0: Do not / has not been to school is never registered or have not been registered and are not / have never actively enrolled in a formal education and non-formal, including who completed / not completed a child but did not proceed to a primary school.
Code 1-8: School
They who enrolled in school and is active in the education obeying a formal education or package A / B / C.
Code 1: Schools in SD
Code 2: School at Government Elementary School (MI)
Code 3: Schools in SMP
Code 4: Schools in junior secondary school (MTs)
Code 5: Schools in SMA / SMK
Code 6: Schools in Madrasah Aliyah (MA)
Code 7: Higher Education (PT)
Code 8: Package A / B / C is a non-formal education equivalent to SD (Package A), SMP (Package B) and SMA (Package C).
Code 9: Not back to school is never registered and actively enrolled in a formal education and non-formal, but at the time of enumeration is no longer listed and no longer active.