Ask the marital status of the entire treatment of 10 years old or more and enter the code in the box provided.
Code 1: Not marrying is not have a wife (for men) or husband (for women) at the time of enumeration.
Code 2: Married wife is having (for men) or husband (for women) at the time of enumeration, either live together or separately. In this case covered not only those who are legally married (customs, religion, country, etc.), but also those who live together and by their surrounding community as husband and wife.
Code 3: Divorced life is split up as husband and wife for divorce and has not remarried. This includes those who claim to divorce, although not legally authorized. Otherwise does not include those who only live separately but still married, for example, the husband / wife abandoned by wife / husband to another place because of school, work, looking for work, or for other purposes. Women who claim to have never married but have been pregnant, considered divorced.
Code 4: Widowed is widowed by his or her spouse has not remarried.