Ask relationship every HH member with HH head and fill in the code in the box. The 1st HH member must be HH head (Code 1), followed by :
Code 2 : Wife/HH head husband
Code 3 : Children, including own child, step child and HH head adopted child
Code 4 : In law, which is husband/wife from own child, step or adopted child
Code 5 : Grand child, which is from oen child, step or adopted child
Code 6 : Parents/In law, which is Father/Mother from HH head or Father/Mother from Wife/Husband of HH head
Code 7: Other family, which is they who have relatives with HH head or wife/husband of HH head like, sister/brother, aunty, uncle, grand parents
Code 8 : Other, which is they who doesn't have relative with HH head or wife/husband of HH head like, sister/brother, aunty, uncle, grand parents who lives in the HH for more than 6 month, like guest or friend
Household head (krt) is someone from a group of HH member who have responsibility for daily need or someone pointed as HH head.
HH head who have residence more than one, only registerd in the house where HH head most lived. For HH head who have business in other place and back home to wife and children periodically (every week, month or 3 month) but less than 6 month, still registered as the HH head in the wife and shildren's house.
Khusus untuk kepala rumah tangga yang mempunyai kegiatan/usaha di tempat lain dan pulang ke rumah istri dan anak-anaknya secara berkala (setiap minggu, setiap bulan, setiap 3 bulan) tetapi kurang dari 6 bulan, tetap dicatat sebagai Kepala Rumah Tangga (krt) di rumah istri anak-anaknya.