Value of [......................] that is belong to household?
Interviewer instructions
Exlcude portion that doesn't belong to the houshold
Inquires the value of[…] during the interview. In the value of money if […] is sold or purchased in the exact condition. It is not necessary to be the exact price, just respondent's oppinion about the price of[…].
For the items in the pawning, it needs to be found out if the goods is still the houshold possession. If the time is out and the goods have been auctionned, it no longer household possession.
It needs to be highlighted that the value of item questionned is that possessed by the household.
Lahan/harta yng dimiliki oleh Rumah Tangga, baik yang digunakan untuk usaha maupun bukan untuk usaha, namun tidak termasuk Lahan/Harta yang disewa atau bagi hasil
Value of [......................] that is belong to household?
a. Irrigated rice field
b. Rain-fed rice field
c. Dry land
d. Land and/or house (other than a, b, and c)
e. Land and/or building for business (other than a,b,andc and d)