These are questions about educational background of all household members. First, ask about the last education they have ever enrolled (AR12), and then the class/stages they finished (AR13).
The last education enrolled (AR12) is the education stage that respondent have ever been or being attended now for those who is still studying. If there is other option, circle at "95" and write the name of education after it in column AR12. interviewer must be careful if respondent mentioned school with unfamiliar name or old names such as the names bellow, thus interviewer must converse them based on school category as in the questionnaire.
1. Sekolah rakyat (SR) equals to elementary school (SD)
2. Volkschool equals to SD
3. Hollands Inlandse School (HIS) equals to SD
4. Meisyes school equals to SMP for girls only, can be equal to SD, ask again to respondent
5. Sekolah Guru Bantu (SGB) equals to SMP vocatioanl
6. Sekolah Guru Atas (SGA) equals to SMA vocational
7. Madrasah Ibtidaiyah equals to SD
8. Madrasah Tsanawiyah equals to SMP umum
9. Madrasah Aliyah equals to SMU umum
10. Kweek School equals to SMP kejuruan
11. Sekolah Kepandaian Putri Belanda (SKP Belanda) equals to SMP kejuruan
12. SKL Tionghoa equals to SD
Try to not too many choosing option of other or "95" in AR12. try to put it in the category provided.
The highest class/stage finished by respondent here means the class where respondent has completely finished the whole year and passed the final test. If respondent has not, then circle "96" at the provided space. But if there is ART who has just entered school write "00" meaning he/she has not finished any stage. While if there is ART who has finished a stage of education, circle "07".
Beside that, if respondent is attending a university for more than 6 years (12 semesters) in AR13 must be noted the code 06 (tingkat 6). If there is a diploma graduate and continue to bachelor degree that is only one semester running, then the diploma education must not be counted and the writting at AR13 is 00 (not finish stage I). However, if the study from diploma is counted in the present study that makes her/him in the 7th semester of study, then the writing is AR13 = 03, meaning the stage finished is 3. Do not forget to give explanation such this case in CP section.