F03 is the variable that mention infrastructure type for kind of infrastructures: Road, Clean Water Facility, Bridge, and Irrigation.
The provision as follow:
- If F01TYPE=1. Road, then the answer options in F03 are:
1. Dirt road, i.e. the road not paved yet and is composed of a layer of ordinary soil
2. Telford road/macadam: telford if the road is made of stone shards, planted with the sharp on top, then covered smaller stones to be locked, whereas macadam if the stone that used more rounded, generally is old road because the new roads have been very rarely used this type of pavement.
3. Sand and stone road, i.e. dirt roads were a mixture of sand and stones (1-2 cm diameter) spread out then crushed but not using asphalt. Generally used on flat areas.
4. Telasah road, i.e. is the road that made of stone shards, planted with the sharp on the bottom, then covered smaller stones to be locked (numerous in Central Java and East Java)
5. Paving road: roads that using paving blocks
6. Concrete road / rebates: roads that using concrete cast, while rebate the same as concrete but less cement mixture.
7. Asphalt road, i.e. the road that its surface made of layer of asphalt (mixture of bitumen and minerals)
- If F01TYPE=2. Clean Water Facility, then the answer options in F03 are:
1. Regional Water Company (PDAM)
2. Piping
3. Taps/public hydrant
4. Wells pump
5. Protected wells
6. Protected springs
7. Rain fed water
8. Bottled water
9. Unprotected wells
10. Unprotected springs
11. Water purchased from water vendor
12. Surface water
95. Others, ________
- If F01TYPE=3. Bridge, then the answer options are:
1. Concrete bridge, if the framework made of concrete (mixture of cement, gravel, and sand mixed with water).
2. Iron bridge, if the framework made of iron
3. Wooden bridge, if the framework made of wood material
95. Others, if there is type of bridge other than those mentioned above
- If F01TYPE=4. Irrigation, then the answer options in F03 are:
1. Technical irrigation, i.e. irrigation network that the constructions equipped with water distribution control device and measurement device, so that the flowed irrigation water can be controlled dan measured.
2. Semi-technical irrigation, i.e. irrigation network that the constructions equipped with water distribution control device so that the irrigation water can be controlled but can not be measured
3. Simple irrigation (PU), i.e. irrigation network that the constructions not equipped with water distribution control device and measurement device, so that the irrigation water can not be controlled and measured. Generally the constructions is a semi-permanent or not permanent constructions.