Literal question
When your last child [name] was born, was he/she very large, larger than average, average, smaller than average, or very small?
Interviewer instructions
Low birthweight babies are at higher risk of serious illness or death than other babies. Mothers are asked to give the baby's birthweight, and since some babies are not weighed at birth, their subjective assessment of the baby's size at birth. When the information from women who answer these questions is analysed, we can obtain an indication of what women mean by the subjective categories. This information can provide an estimate of the average birthweight.
Read the entire question exactly as written before accepting an answer. This is the woman's own opinion about the size of her baby. Even if she knows the child's birthweight, tell her that you want to know her own idea of whether the baby was "very large", "larger than average", "average", "smaller than average", or "very small". If the respondent is unable to tell you, do not try to guess the answer based on the birthweight information or the appearance of the baby; circle 9 for "doesn't know".