Interviewer instructions
This item is used to record the type of salt used to prepare the family's main meal the day before the questionnaire is administered, and the outcome of the test for salt iodization. Follow the instructions given in training to test the salt, and circle 1 (not iodized) if the test is negative (0 PPM - parts per million - or no colour). Circle 2 if the test shows less than 15 PPM iodine (weak colour). Circle 3 if the test is positive (15 PPM or more, strong colour). Circle 8 for "not applicable" if there is no salt in the home. Circle 9 if the salt was present, but not tested for any reason.
If there are women in the household eligible for interview, continue on. If there are no household members eligible for the Individual interviews (Women's Questionnaires and under-five Children's Questionaires), end the interview here and thank the respondent.