Literal question
In addition to what is recorded on this card, did (name) receive any other vaccinations – including vaccinations received in campaigns, during epidemic or immunization days?
Interviewer instructions
It is possible that some of the vaccinations received by the child were not recorded. For example, the respondent may have forgotten to bring the card to the health facility or the respondent may have taken the child to a National Immunization Day.
If the answer is 'Yes', circle '1' only if the respondent mentions vaccines included in the questionnaire. You can refer to the information already obtained from the vaccination card to make sure that the mother/primary caretaker is referring only to these vaccines. Write '66' in the corresponding 'Day' column for IM3, and leave the month and year columns blank. For example, if two doses of DPT were recorded on the card, and another dose was given but not recorded, there should be '66' in the 'Day' column.
Do not ask the respondent to supply dates from memory. Enter a date only if the card or other document is available and lists a date for the immunization dose.
Once you have probed for any other vaccination, skip to IM18.