Literal question
Now I’d like to ask a few simple questions about the level of your satisfaction from various fields.
For any of the questions, we have five possible answers: please let me know, for each question, are you very or somewhat satisfied, neither satisfied nor unsatisfied, or somewhat or very unsatisfied?
Once again, you can take a look at these images that might help you with your answer.
How satisfied are you from your family life?
Interviewer instructions
Show side 2 of response card and explain what each symbol represents. Circle the response code shown by the respondent, for questions LS3 to LS13.
If the respondent says that she does not have a family, circle “0”. Otherwise, circle the code corresponding to the response given or to the smiling face pointed at by the respondent.
We have to leave it to the respondent's perception as to what she refers to as “family life”. Note that the question is not about “family”, but rather about “family life”. In other words, we are not asking the respondent to think about family members individually. At hearing this question, some respondents will think of their immediate family, or members of family that she is living together with. Depending on the living arrangements or relationship patterns between immediate and extended family members, some respondents will automatically think of the extended family. Do not try to explain what is meant by the “family”, unless the respondent asks you to. If that happens, tell the respondent that we are interested in their family experiences, immediate or extended family, whichever they spend more time with.