Value |
Category |
0 |
No grade completed |
1 |
Grade I to III |
2 |
Grade IV |
3 |
Grade V |
4 |
Elementary graduate |
5 |
1st to 3rd year high school |
6 |
High school graduate |
7 |
College undergraduate |
40 |
PH.D. or M.S. in agriculture, fishery, forestry, etc. |
41 |
Doctor of veterinary medicine |
42 |
Bachelor of science in agriculture - agronomy, and horticult |
43 |
Bachelor of science in agriculture - animal husbandry |
44 |
Bachelor of science in agriculture - agricultural techonolog |
45 |
Bachelor of science in agriculture - other fields/unspecifie |
46 |
Bachelor of science in fishery and forestry |
47 |
Ph.D. or M.A. in education guidance and counselling, etc. |
48 |
Bachelor of science in education (BSE), including inverted c |
49 |
Bachelor of science in elementary education (BSEE), includin |
50 |
Bachelor of science in agricultural edcuation |
51 |
Bachelor of science in industrial arts |
52 |
Bachelor of science in other fields/unspecified |
53 |
Ph.D. or M.S. in engineering, all fields |
54 |
Bachelor of science in chemical engineering |
55 |
Bachelor of science in civil engineering |
56 |
Bachelor of science in electrical/electronic engineering |
57 |
Bachelor of science in mechanical engineering |
58 |
Bachelor of science in mining engineering |
59 |
Bachelor of science in other fields/unspecified |
60 |
PH. D. or M.S. in music and other fields |
61 |
Bachelor of science in architecture |
62 |
Bachelor of science in commercial arts |
63 |
Bachelor of science in fine arts (painting or scupture) |
64 |
Bachelor of music |
65 |
Bachelor of science in other fields/unspecified |
66 |
Doctorate or M.A. in philsophy, psychology, Spanish, library |
67 |
Bachelor of Arts, general course |
68 |
Bachelor of science in Spanish, classical; Bachelor of Liter |
69 |
Bachelor of science in philosophy |
70 |
Bachelor of science in psychology |
71 |
Bachelor of science, general course; library science, theolo |
72 |
Doctor of civil law, Master of laws, etc. |
73 |
Bachelor of laws |
74 |
Bachelor of science in criminology |
75 |
Bachelor of medicine |
76 |
Ph.D. or M.A. in nursing, pharmacy, etc. |
77 |
Bachelor of dental medicine (dentistry) |
78 |
Bachelor of optometry |
79 |
Bachelor of science in medical technology |
80 |
Bachelor of science in nursing |
81 |
Bachelor of science in pharmacy |
82 |
Bachelor of science in other fields/unspecified |
83 |
Ph. D. or M.A. in chemistry, physics, mathematics, etc. |
84 |
Bachelor of Arts in geology, geophysics, etc. |
85 |
Bachelor of science in biology, botany, zoology. |
86 |
Bachelor of science in chemistry |
87 |
Bachelor of science in mathematics and physics |
88 |
Bachelor of science in other fields/unspecified |
89 |
PH. D. or M.S. in banking and finance, business adminisgtrat |
90 |
Bachelor of business administration of commercial science; B |
91 |
Bachelor of science in foreign service |
92 |
Bachelor of science in journalism |
93 |
Bachelor of science in nutrition or food and nutrition |
94 |
Bachelor of science in food technology |
95 |
Bachelor of science in home economics |
96 |
Bachelor of science in social work and sociology |
97 |
Bachelor of science in statistics |
98 |
Bachelor of science in mass communication, hotel and restaur |
99 |
Field of study or degree not specified |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.