Interviewer instructions
General Instructions
a. If there is at least one activity engaged in as operator by a family
member, as reported in III-E, all other activities not engaged in should
have encircled code 2 in Question (a). Code 2 in succeeding questions
will not be encircled anymore. Follow skip instructions.
b. In computing the net income, the total value/gross sales/gross receipts
should be derived from the corresponding column/item in Question (b)
while cost will be taken from Question (c) except for A6, Manufacturing
which is in Question (f).
c. Specify items falling under Others (e.g. other crops, other expenses).
d. If two or more family members in the sample household were engaged
as operators (self-employed or employer) of the same entrepreneurial
activity during the reference period, account for their activities as one in
the corresponding section of the questionnaire. This means that you
have to ask for the total value of the produce/catch, etc., of all the
operators, their total value consumed, their operating expenses, etc..