Interviewer instructions
Enter in E2(a) the value of all durable furnishings or equipment such as pieces of furniture, appliances, garden tools, etc. acquired on a cash basis during the reference period and intended for family use.
For items purchased on installment basis during the reference period, enter the quantity and its total value in the appropriate column in E2(b). Enter also the amount of installments paid including the down payment already paid for during the reference period under the “Total Amount Paid” column. Total value refers to the total installment paid/to be paid plus the initial down payment made on the item. Report the total value of an item only once. That is, if an item was purchased during the reference period covered by the first visit, the total value should be reported only during the first semester and no entry on total value should be made for the same item during the second semester. Thus, the total value of durable equipment purchased on installment basis within the first half of 2000 should be reflected only in the “Total Value” column corresponding to the January - June reference period. However, make sure to enter the difference between the total value and amount paid as loans from business firms (III-D, Item 4). Likewise, only the total value of durable equipment purchased on installment basis during the second half of the year will be reported under the “total Value” column provided for the second visit. Report in the “Total Amount Paid” column only the actual payments made instead of the amount due within the reference period.
For the second visit, answer “Yes” to the screening question in E2(b) even if the family did not purchase any durable furnishings or equipment on installment basis during the second half of 2000 provided that there were installments paid within the period for durable furnishings or equipment acquired on installment basis during the first semester of 2000.
In such a case, write “0” under the “Total Value” column of the item and report the total installments paid for July to December 2000 under the “Total Amount Paid” column. Leave blank, the “Kind” and “Quantity” column of the item. However, during the second visit subtract the total amount paid from the entry in loans from business firms (III-D, item 4) in the first visit.
There may be cases where during the second semester of 2000, a family is paying the installment for an item they bought during the first half of 2000 and at the same time purchased on installment basis other durable equipment falling under the same group. In this case, enter under the “Total Value” column only the item purchased during the second half of 2000 but add the installments made for both durables and enter the value in the “Total Amount Paid” column during the second visit. Enter the difference between the total value and Amount Paid for the item bought during the second semester of 2000 as loans from business firms (III-D, item 4) for the second visit. In this “Computations/ Remarks” portion, note the amount paid for the appliance bought during the first visit. Only this value will be subtracted from the entry in III-D, item 4 of the first visit.
Do not include under E2(b) installment payments on durable furniture or equipment purchased prior to 2000. Payments for items bought prior to 2000 should be reported in (I) Other Disbursements.
Include vacuum cleaners, floor polishers and electric generators for family use acquired during the period in Other Major Appliances and Equipment (II-E2, Item 4).
The value of all durable furnishings and equipment received by the family should be entered in E2(c).
Durable furnishings made at home for family use should be entered under the expenditure group corresponding to the group of the finished product with the valuation procedure as follows: the value of the finished product will be the purchased value of the input materials if purchased, or their assessed value if received as gifts, plus the cost of paid labor, if any.
For example, the head of the family bought spare parts of an owner type jeepney to be assembled. He built the jeepney with the help of a mechanic whom he paid with daily wage. In this case, report the cost of the spare parts and the amount spent for labor in Item E2(a) item 6. No imputation should be made for his labor. Note that his jeepney is for family use only and not for commercial purposes.
Rechargeable lamps/ fan is an example of a minor appliance.