Question pretext
During the PERIOD SPECIFIED, did you or any member of your family purchase in cash or on credit non-durable
furnishings such as utensils and accessories, household linen and furnishings?
Interviewer instructions
The value of non-durable furnishings for family use such as utensils and accessories, household linen and furnishings, etc., acquired within the reference period including those bought/received for use during special occasions of the family should be reflected in this expenditure group.
As with other expenditure groups, if the family bought furnishings, enter the value in E1(a) but if the family received the furnishings as gifts from non-family members, enter the value of the gift in E1(b).
The quantity and the value of non-durables made at home for family use should be entered under the expenditure group covering the final product. However, the value to be reported is the value of materials used in making the products plus the cost of paid labor, if any. Do not give any value to the labor rendered by a family member