For purposes of this survey, the following are considered as operating a crop farm or garden:
Gardening in at least 100 sq. meters of solid patches (the plants not scattered all around) whether the produce is mainly for sale or for family consumption. Consider also as work for profit, gardening in less than 100 sq. meters if the produce is solely for sale.
Non-farm households cultivating at least 300 sq. meters of land devoted to temporary, annual or biennial crops or shrubs, or tending an orchard of at least the same area even though not much care is needed by plants, unlike gardening.
Growing ornamental plants and flowers, seedlings, black pepper (pemienta) or betel leaf for sale, even if area may be less than 100 sq. meters.
Report under this section all crops harvested from the farm operated by the family. This includes the production/harvests of lessees of fruit trees such as lanzones and mango if there were harvests made during the reference period. Report the area harvested in hectares if the plants were compactly planted and report the number of trees, if scattered. The “Production” column should be used in entering the quantity harvested including the unit of production. For instance in reporting the harvest in palay, the entry should be 50 sacks or 2,500 kgs. Do not forget to indicate the unit in reporting the harvest. Report in the “Total Value” column the estimated value of harvest based on prevailing price in the market if production has not been disposed. Otherwise, the total value to be reported should be estimated based on the actual amount of sale of the crop. However, if part of production was sold and part of it was consumed and given away, estimate the total value based on the unit price of the crops sold. The value consumed and given away should likewise be estimated based on the unit price of crops sold.