This section obtains information on the income of the family from salaries and wages from employment received by family members.
It includes all forms of compensation whether in cash or in kind received by family members as regular or occasional/seasonal workers in agricultural and non-agricultural industries. This additional information may provide data to explain the difference in the level of compensation received by salary and wage earners.
Before filling up any-subsection of III-A, ascertain first the number of wage and salary workers in the family to find out if the five lines provided in each subsection are enough. If the number exceeds five, divide a line into two in order to accommodate all the earning members.
Wage and salary workers in the family must be classified into any of the following categories:
regular, agricultural (A1.1)
regular, non-agricultural (A1.2)
seasonal/occasional, agricultural (A2.1)
seasonal/occasional, non-agricultural (A2.2)
For purposes of this survey, an employed person is considered a regular salary/wage worker if he/she has a permanent job, which lasted or will last for at least one year at the time of the interview. The person's appointment to the position may either be permanent or temporary but during the reference period he/she could have worked or actually worked continuously in the same job or with the same establishment. He/she may have been paid on a monthly or daily rate basis.
On the other hand, a person is considered as a seasonal/occasional worker when the employment does not last for at least one year, or the employment is short term or intermittent. Examples of seasonal/occasional workers are:
Bookies and bet collectors in horse races who do not work on a regular basis.
Sugar industry workers during harvest and milling seasons only.
Drivers not working on a regular basis (i.e., “pa-extra-extra” basis)
Peak season workers in commercial establishments like during Christmas time when extra sales workers are hired
Substitute teachers for regular teachers who got sick or on maternity leave
Laborers in emergency repairs of damaged bridges or roads
Odd job workers (“pa-extra-extra”)