Literal question
4.29 Attend school or child care (creche)?
[] 1 yes, private (go to 4.30)
[] 2 yes, public (go to 4.30)
[] 3 no, have been (go to 4.32)
[] 4 never went (if 10 years old or older, go to 4.36. If not, end the interview)
Interviewer instructions
Question 4.29 - Do you attend school or a day-care center?
A person registered in one of the following courses should be considered as attending school:
Regular course - pre-school, primary school [grades 1-8], 1st level [grades 1-8], senior high school [grades 9-11], 2nd level [grades 9-11], higher education (3rd level), master's or doctor's degree;
General education course - elementary education [grades 1-8], 1st level [grades 1-8], senior high school [grades 9-11], or 2nd level [grades 9-11] given at a school;
Adult literacy course; and
Pre-college entrance exam course.
Children in establishments organized to give daytime assistance to children in the early years of life should be considered as attending a day-care center.
Persons who are registered but temporarily unable to attend class for reasons of illness, etc., should also be considered as attending school.
Do not consider persons who are attending only brief professional specialization or cultural extension courses, such as sewing, dancing, languages, data processing; or courses in elementary education [grades 1-8], 1st level [grades 1-8], senior high school [grades 9-11], 2nd level [grades 9-11], etc. on the radio, television or by correspondence.
[p. 110]
Persons who are attending specialization or university extension courses will not be considered as attending school.
For persons who say they attend school or a day-care center, record the school system:
1 - Yes, Private School - for persons registered in private educational establishments, including establishments maintained by community groups, companies, foundations, donations, etc.
2 - Yes, Public School - for persons registered in establishments in the federal, state or municipal public school systems.
If a person is attending more than one type of school, record the highest grade and course he or she attends. In this case, the type of school (private or public) is related to the answers to Questions 4.30 and 4.31 (course and grade attended). The same criterion will be used for persons who do not attend school and have attended more than one type of education (Questions 4.32 and 4.33).
Note: If the person attends senior high school [grades 9-11] or 2nd level [grades 9-11] and the pre-college entrance exam course, simultaneously, record senior high school [grades 9-11] or 2nd level [grades 9-11].
3 - No, but has attended - for persons who have at some time studied in some course and grade, according to the concepts defined as attending school, considering the educational system in effect at the time.
Also consider persons who took and were approved in the examinations referred to in Article 99 (1st cycle [grades 1-8] or 2nd cycle or General education (Primary school [grades 1-8], First level [grades 1-8] or Second level [grades 9-11]) as having attended, even though they have never actually been to class.
4 - Never attended - for persons who never attended a course included in the definition of attendance at school.